Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Hiking and Etc.

Hola!  What's happening in your neck of the woods?  This is what is happening in the Pacific Northwest.  They are having atmospheric rivers of water.  It's causing flooding, which is unfortunate.

We've had one day of consequential rain, otherwise it's been sunny and unseasonably warm.  Yesterday was downright hot.  Home Depot delivered 12 bags of lava rock while we were out violating the non-acquisition fatwa.  We had to wait for the sun to drop to deal with the rock.  We're trying to get every item we could possibly need from Target before we get too much closer to Christmas.  I am pleased to report that more people are masking, and many of them are being worn properly.  Back to Home Depot, 12 bags was not enough.  They brought another 12 very early this morning. 

This will be it for yard work.  No plants, no flowers, nothing living at all.

There have been hikes.  I have photographic evidence.

This is the 5:00 FedEx 767 freighter on final for Tucson International.  Once, with the RV, we stayed in Olive Branch, Mississippi, which was close the Memphis International which is the home of Fedex and their hub.  Not much sleep was had due to the incoming and then outgoing planes in the middle of the night.  Anyway, our freighter here arrives at a civilized hour.

I sort of wish I'd brought the camera with the long lens, but I didn't.

There was a very average sunset last night.  We're too low here to get a good shot.

This is what's happening in the shed.  There's an auxiliary freezer, since the kitchen refrigerator is so small.  Clearly it's not frost free.

That's it then, that's all I've got.


  1. Yikes, that is a lot of rain and a lot of frost. We're getting rain today here in southern Saskatchewan, then it will turn to snow overnight. The roads will be horrid.
    Great photos from your hikes!

  2. I love those hiking photos and that sunset. It's certainly warmed up this week, hasn't it?

  3. Yikes! That's some serious frost! Don't let Ursula see it or you'll get a lecture. :)

    What's the non-acquisition fatwa? Did I miss something?

    1. We are not supposed to keep buying stuff. The park model is full!

  4. beautiful scenery. lava rock over gravel? didn't like the gravel?

  5. Hiking there sure looks different than hiking up north.
