Sunday, April 30, 2023

Spring and Comedy

Spring is springing in the back yard.  Yesterday morning I was out looking at the flower buds on the giant pear tree which were closed.  Last night at dusk, they were all open, thousands of them.  That's the fastest I've seen anything burst out, ever.  

Here is the tree.

Here is a close up of one of the flowers.  They're pretty.

Here is the dogwood.  Reports of his demise may have been premature.  See the little green shoots coming out? 

We did not know this, because we were in Tucson, but last winter was terrible.  There were a couple of cold snaps that killed established shrubs.  The neighbor lost five rhodies.  In light of that, I'm pretty happy that the dogwood may not be dead.

Last night was the White House Correspondents Dinner.  President Biden demonstrated that he can be funny.  He took out after Fox News, Tucker Carlson and Marjorie Taylor Greene.  Another speaker, Ray Woods Jr. is a comedian.  He spoke about Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, who has recently been revealed as accepting lavish vacations and other unreported gifts from billionaires.  He's not the only grifter on the bench, but he's one of the worst.  Anyway, CLICK HERE for Mr. Woods' riff on Mr. Thomas.  Ray Woods is funny.

That's it, all I've got is spring.


  1. I love pear trees...I love pears!

  2. It always amazes me when the plants revive after a long and very cold winter. The pear blossoms are lovely.

  3. I'm glad the dogwood is alive! I never would have guessed it, looking at it.

    I loved Biden's joke about Marjorie Taylor Greene!

  4. I have one shrub, not sure what it is, that is finally dying after the third winter in a row with temps in the 20s or lower. part of it has died off every winter and I think what's left is turning brown now.

    I loved Biden's closing, turning the podium over to Ray, I can take the jokes about me but I'm not so sure about Dark Brandon as he puts on his dark glasses and walks away..

  5. Ray Woods Jr. was hysterically funny! I even began to wonder if he might be a good replacement for Trevor Noah on the Daily Show. I don't think he missed with a single joke! And Dark Brandon was a really cool way for Biden to end his turn at the podium.

  6. The little pear blossoms are so pretty, do they have a nice fragrance? Sounds like buying a little home in Tucson was a good decision, avoid nasty winters at all cost!
