Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Picasa and Other Stuff

The other night I deleted 10,579 unread messages out of Yahoo mail.  Then I cleaned out the 9,000 or so emails in my in basket.  The Sent file still needs to be cleaned out.  In the middle of the night I realized I had deleted an email I sent myself with the last known address of a Picasa download.  Fortunately, I was able to google and get the link in the morning.  So, I'm putting it here, so I will know where it is. 


It's hot!  It's going to be hotter in the next few days.  It should drop after Sunday to something more tolerable.  We were up and out early (for us) and rode to the lake.  Coming back it was pretty toasty.  I'm glad we went, we always feel better after climbing some hills.  Saturday we went, as well.  It was a beautiful day for boating, and the boat ramps were crowded.  Some people don't seem to understand that they need to pull forward so people can back down the ramp, or exit the lake.  The people watching was good.

The hydrangeas are blooming.  It has scent, which was surprising to me.  The lady bugs and the bees are all over it.

Sunday night was exciting.  The spring on the garage door broke, and the door dropped about 3 or 4 feet.  The noise was astonishing.  After that happened, we learned on youtube that after the spring breaks you may not try to raise it with the opener, it will burn out the engine.  So that was exciting.  We got someone out the next morning, but in the excitement I failed to notice that I had a dentist appointment, so that was a bummer.  I'm hoping they won't charge me for a no-show.  Next available appointment is at the end of September.  Quelle domage.  Here is the broken spring.

Home ownership is so entertaining.  For what it's worth, a spring is good for about 3,000 cycles and if you replace one, replace the other one even if it's not broken yet.

I must go now, it's time to order more N95 masks so Jim and I can be the only masked people in the stores.  Actually, there are sometimes four of us.


  1. That's the same hydrangea I have. (lace cap white) I got it as a gift and would much rather have the blue/purple/pink variety. I'm also one of the few masked people anywhere but I don't care. I don't want Covid! I've had a broken garage door spring and they are noisy AND terrifying.

  2. Yes, the joys of home ownership. But then, things break in an RV, too.
    I can relate to being the only person masked!

  3. Wow, that's a lot of e-mails.
    Several years ago, I had the same thing happen in my garage. I couldn't open the door, even after releasing the spring, and of course that was a day I had an appointment. I was lucky that I found someone in the neighbourhood that was able to fix it that morning. But I didn't the second spring taken care of. Hmmm.
    Hope you get some relief from the heat soon. I am with you on the masks. I'll continue to wear them for the foreseeable future regardless of what others do.

  4. Sounds very exciting:) I had to laugh at your mask comment. I've forgotten my mask a few times lately and it feels weird. We've still got them at work and I doubt that will change for a long time.

  5. I've never heard of a broken spring on a garage door. I store information for future reference in my blog posts too!

    1. The springs are there to help the opener raise the door. Doors can weigh quite a bit depending on what they're made of and how big they are.

  6. I always thought that Picasa was linked to Google? I lost a lot of photos when that went, as it disappeared when we were in our travels..came home and photos gone!

  7. Yeah, I'm in a definite minority wearing a mask in stores though I have noticed a few more of us lately. And when I say 'a few' I mean 2 or 3. I wish we would get a break. It's been in the high 90s with forays into triple digits for at least two months.

  8. They are recommending that people mask indoors in most NC counties now, as most are back in the "orange" color, which ours is, which also happens to be Orange County. ;-) I have been wearing masks in stores all along, and although it is tiresome, I haven't, to my knowledge, had COVID yet. Knock wood. What an ordeal with the garage door!
