Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Wild Skies in Tucson

This is what we saw this morning.  Fog!  In Tucson!  The temperature equaled the dew point, and we had really dense fog.

Later, it cleared up and we had a beautiful day.  It was not that warm, so we headed for a hike in the the Tucson Mountain Park via the Sarasota Blvd entrance.  The sky was just amazing.

We saw a bunny in the brush.

We still wonder why this wall exists.  On the other side is a sandy wash at the level of the top of the wall.  This required a fair amount of effort to create.  What???

On the way back it started looking ominous.  Rain was not in the forecast, but still ....

More ominousness.

Isn't that the most amazing sky?  We got back to the truck before the weather reached us.  It rained pretty heavily on the way home and in the RV park.  After a couple of hours it all moved east and it returned to being a beautiful day.  The weather this winter has just been weird.  It's supposed to be back in the 70's in a couple of days, and I am looking forward to that.
Other than this, I have nothing interesting to report.


  1. Wonderful shots! I love big, threatening clouds like that....and they sure make for cool photos!

  2. Looks like you got done with your hike just in time. Nice pics of the clouds. We had no fog or rain today, yeah! Rode out the Tonto Tank to the Boulder trail that goes to the Marcus landslide. Sun was in the wrong place for photos but it is an interesting looking area. Supposed to leave tomorrow but decided to stay one more day to get in one more ride. We are addicted!

  3. Great photos of the threatening sky and those beautiful clouds!

  4. Gorgeous sky shots. LOVE the bright blue skies and fluffy cumulus clouds particularly.
