Saturday, January 11, 2025

Sunset, Art, and a Seed Pod

It's been "cold" here.  Cold is a relative term.  Nights have been in the low 30's.  Wednesday the wind was up all day, skies were gray, and we got zero rain.  Other parts of the city got rain, but nothing for the Tucson Mountain Park area.  Very unfortunate for the cactus out in the desert.  

Thursday we had enough clouds for a sunset.  This is the first time since we got here in November.  December used to be the month of pink skies, but not this year. Clear and severe skies have been the rule.

We have new art.  I have two canvas arts from two different vendors.

This is from easycanvasprints dot com.  It's good.  What's really good is that they don't use thick wood for stapling the canvas.  The wood frame is 3/4 of an inch (roughly) thick.  The advantage to this is that more of the subject stays on the front of the art.  Definition is pretty good, they have redeemed themselves.

This one is from snapfish dot com.  It's a good print, but their wood is 1 1/4 inch thick.  The front protrudes out further, and more of the subject matter is on the side of the frame.  Definition is good, but when I was thinking about another canvas, I was taken aback by how much of the image is lost to the sides.  A print in portrait orientation would be better here, but most of my photos are landscape. 

I'm blogging this so I remember where they came from.

Yesterday we worked on the back yard.  A lot of dead stuff was pulled off the plants back there.  Jim was cutting down the seed pod spikes off some very messy plants. They send up a spike, it flowers, and makes pods. 

This is the plant (in the foreground) that's growing wild in the yard.

Anyway, the pods are nice looking.  There are five small black seeds in there.

put up a link to a nice story this morning.  It these times of hate, vitriol, and misinformation, this is a lovely article about hedgehog highways and citizens' attempts to keep them alive.  Article is here.

That's it, I have nothing more to say, especially about the orange menace.


  1. Winter is usually our good sunset time too mainly because of the position of the sun but we haven't had that many really good ones so far. Interesting seed pod.

  2. Your prints look great, thanks for the info. on them.

  3. I like the picture you chose for the Snapfish print. I don't know what that seed pod is, though. Weird-looking plant!

  4. Lovely prints and interesting about the thickness of the wood and the orientation of the photographs.

  5. I love the shadow play of the first photograph! It looks almost like a painting.

  6. I like both pieces, though I agree it would be nicer not to lose some of the photo to the edges.
    It was cold here too a few days ago. I woke to 35F (2C). It wasn't that much warmer than at home as they'd had a bit of a warm up. I do love how quickly it warms up throughout the day.

  7. Love that you're hanging your photo art! Great images, both.
