Friday, January 31, 2025

Irrigation and Musk's Minions

It appears that our long national nightmare of the irrigation system is coming to an end.  We found a good service, who doesn't charge an arm and a leg.  This is the PVC tube we thought was broken.  It's not.  There is a flexible line directly below it that was damaged during the removals of the giant Sages.  Andres came out today, found the second line and fixed it.  Took him 3 minutes, we would have been out there much longer.  They're coming back tomorrow to run drip lines to the Oleanders, the Brittle Bush, and they will fix the other leak on the north side of the house.  Then we will be happy.  OK, maybe not, with that man in the White House.

Now I am complaining about the current president.

This is bull shit.  From Yahoo news we learn the following.

Tesla CEO Elon Musk and his pro-austerity Department of Government Efficiency tried to access key systems responsible for paying out the federal government’s salaries and bills, pushing a high-ranking career civil servant to quit the Treasury Department.

According to The Washington Post, David Lebryk, the current deputy secretary of the Treasury Department, is expected to leave the agency after decades of nonpolitical service.

The head of the FAA was pushed out of service by Musk because they wanted to fine SpaceX for failure to maintain safety standards.  As you no doubt recall one of the heavy lifters blew up on a test flight, causing the FAA to have to reroute air traffic around the flaming debris heading towards Earth.

This is more bullshit.  47 had a server installed that would give him the ability to email every federal employee.  Apparently it's been hacked and a lot of spam and porn also went out from the server.  This is what 47 sent out.

Air traffic controllers were emailed by the Trump administration urging them to quit their jobs and take mass “buyouts” just 24 hours after the D.C. plane crash.

They were among hundreds of thousands of federal workers sent the email at 8.30 p.m. Thursday to push the extraordinary offer by Trump’s aides to get civil servants to quit en masse.

Today he was saying that he wanted everyone to leave the government and get private sector jobs.  Think about this.  If there are no air traffic controllers, no one is flying anywhere.  This includes people and freight.  Someone clearly is deranged.

47 continues to blame the tragic air crash on DEI, Biden and Obama.  Look at this screen scrape, notice the date.  This was begun on Trump's watch.  If it was so terrible, why did he start the program?  If what Obama did with the FAA was so terrible, why didn't he fix it during his first term? 

Musk yes people have done this:  (If you read nothing else, read this one)

Aides to Elon Musk charged with running the U.S. government human resources agency have locked career civil servants out of computer systems that contain the personal data of millions of federal employees, according to two agency officials.

The systems include a vast database called Enterprise Human Resources Integration, which contains dates of birth, Social Security numbers, appraisals, home addresses, pay grades and length of service of government workers, the officials said.

"We have no visibility into what they are doing with the computer and data systems," one of the officials said. "That is creating great concern. There is no oversight. It creates real cybersecurity and hacking implications."

Officials affected by the move can still log on and access functions such as email but can no longer see the massive datasets that cover every facet of the federal workforce.

Musk, OPM, representatives of the new team, and the White House did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

These are un-elected people, working for Musk, who is also not elected.  The twitter sphere predicts that soon there will be a mass sell off of government buildings for pennies on the dollar.  Hedge funds can buy them and lease them back.  It's what they're already doing with hospitals.  This article sort of confirms that theory.

Today he announced tariffs on a slew of things from Canada, Mexico, & India, including drugs. Why is he hurting people where it really hurts the most?  I think things are really bad, made worse by the fact that main stream media is not covering this in big pulsating headlines.

So, that's what's currently annoying me.



  1. That is so very serious, what Musk and his crew are doing. Meanwhile the media is covering the planes crashes, 2 of them in 3 days. I fear there will soon be nothing left if the federal govt. I feel trapped in an episode of the Twilight Zone. On a good note, finding a good contractor who doesn’t overcharge is a life win. Good for you and Jim.

  2. Glad you found someone to handle the irrigation issues.
    I am aghast at all of the nefarious crap Musk and IQ45 are up too. But I do have to ask: Where are the Democrats? With the exception of AOC I've seen no real push back. Is it simply that the media are not covering the other side?

  3. Steve Bannon is getting his wish -- the dismantling of the regulatory state.

  4. We are witnessing the destruction of our government, our country and the people and institutions who should be shouting from the rooftops are silent. everything else that is happening is a smokescreen for their real agenda which they are carrying out in secrecy. Trump is not in charge. He will sign whatever they put in front of him without reading it or understanding.

  5. I fear there is too much dumb fuckery in the US, especially in the Republican party. Fuckery is what hurts people and kills people.
