Thursday, January 16, 2025

Furniture and Bad Politics

Greetings Earthlings.  How are we all doing, four days before the end of democracy?  I will miss the old days.  

We have reached the end of furniture acquisition.  I gave up on ever finding a cool TV table, realizing that in the mid-Century, televisions came in consoles.  Then they ended up on heavy tables.  So I bought fake wood and metal.  I like it, it's a good height (20 inches), doesn't have a back so the router went in easily.  I have been unable to take a decent picture of it, so here is one from the website.  We would still like something along the lines of a server/side board/buffet with drawers since we are so sadly lacking in storage.  Maybe next year, maybe not. 

I will say, that this flat pack had the best cushioning I have ever seen.  They used honey comb cardboard, and separated everything well.

Today's key learning is that there shall be no art behind glass.  Between the sky lights and all of the windows, it's difficult to not get a reflection.  Canvas art for the win!  I had a 16 x 20 print made at Snapfish.  I have to tell you, print quality is astoundingly good.  Here is a photo I took of the print.  You can see my arm reflected at the bottom.  In person, I can read the sign for El Charro on the right in the back ground.

Here it is on the wall.

Today we did manual labor.  I sat in the dirt and cut out pieces of a dead shrub to make it shorter, and we rearranged rocks in the dry stream that were dislodged when the irrigation leak was fixed.  Jim completed round two of picking up the fallen leaves from our two trees.  They have a lot of little tiny leaves.

As we all learned in civics, there are three branches of government in the US, the Legislative, Judiciary, and Executive.  They are separate and equal, at least that's how it's supposed to work.  Yesterday, the Speaker of the House (who lacks a spine) called Rep. Mike Turner into his office and fired him from being chairman of the House Intelligence Committee because the orange menace told him to. It's not supposed to work this way.  The president is not supposed to interfere with the workings of Congress.  Of course, the speaker, having no spine, did as he was told.  This is bullshit.  All it would take is for two Republicans to change their affiliation to Independent, caucus with the Democrats, and they could put an end to the reign of terror.  But they won't.

Additionally, the orange one is taking credit for the cease fire between Hamas and Israel.  President Biden had been working on this for 15 months.  The pub-tards are giving all the credit to the orange.  When the hostage swap fails, they'll blame Biden.

Then there is this.  RFK Jr. has been nominated to run Health and Human Services.  This is what he thinks.  Stupid, just stupid.

Here is a giant cactus in the neighborhood.  Look at the size of it.  The arm coming off near the ground is not usual.  That arm has put out another arm.

That's it, that's all I have to say about things.


  1. I have a friend who is the most peaceful, grounded person you ever met. Really, I have loved his serenity. No matter what is going on, Geeze is serene and kind and...I got a text from him last week and he said that he felt as if he needed to set up boundaries and back away from people right now. He couldn't bear to see what was happening and it was horrifying to him that 1/2 the country is celebrating this. Shocked me. Finally, at the end of his text came, "What are our options??"

    It may seem as if we don't have a lot of options, and I think that things are going to go to shit very quickly. We can only prepare for the worst, and hope that we are surprised. But I am very discouraged by what I see playing out.

  2. That is the most wonderful cactus! I love where you are- I think I like it more than Spokane but then there is the heat of summer to consider...
    Here is a link that you might enjoy- humor and wisdom- rather settled my stomach during the demise of what we have known as democracy...

  3. Extraordinary cactus. I wouldn't want to run into that in the dark.

  4. Navigating Uncertainty in 2025 (NPR TED Radio Hour)

    Also, I meant to say, earlier, that the cactus picture found the perfect corner to hang out in.

  5. There was a study done by Penn state and the title said, "Gardasil Increases Risk Of Cervial Cancer..." . When you go to the site, the entire title of the study says, "Gardasil Increases Risk Of Cervial Cancer Screening Globally". The nutjob didn't even bother to click on the ling.

  6. Who needs external enemies when this nation is destroying itself. I cannot even read the the news or any of the assessments I usually read. Just too fucking depressing. Hegseth refused to say he would not tell the military to shoot protesters in the legs.

  7. Wow, that is an amazing cactus!

    Politically, like Debbie, I think things are going to rapidly go to shit. But that will be due to the Republicans tearing each other apart. They seem to be putting up a unified front but the fact is, they're all trying to outflank each other rather than work cooperatively. Steve Bannon dumping on Elon Musk and Elon dumping on Nigel Farage (even though he's not in American government) exemplify this trend. They will eat their own. Meanwhile we all just have to keep our heads down and wait it out.

  8. The cactus is an amazing piece of nature. I, too, wouldn't want to walk or back into it.
    Well, of course the MagaT's are hailing IQ45 as the saviour of the deal between Israel and Hamas. Although Netenyahoo (I know that's spelled wrong) is doing what he can to renege. There was some speculation on Reddit that he is doing so, in order to give IQ45 the win once he is sworn in.
    Mother Nature, however, is striking back - it seems the weather in Washington is going to be very cold. Apparently, hell does freeze over.

    1. "Apparently, hell does freeze over." Thank you for that! , brilliant and yes indeed!

  9. We need to get over this anticipation of Armageddon and just get into dealing with it. Not only has the speaker of the house raised President Carter's mourning flags, the Ohio idiot governor has sent ours up for Monday, too.

    1. Liberal Washington state did that as well. I am not happy about this.

  10. Beautiful print in the perfect spot for it in your house - looks like an art gallery placement. And the actual saguaro is a stunner! In political commentary, I'm happy that the inauguration had to be moved indoors, so the orange one doesn't get the huuuuuuuuge crowds that feed his bottomless ego. But other than that, nothing but bad news in that realm. Oh, and I like your TV table. We found one on Wayfair for Barry's office that was somewhat similar but had two closed cabinets below (where yours has the open cubbies on each end), in addition to open shelving in the center. It provides good storage for books, etc.
