Sunday, August 4, 2024

Riding and Seniors for the VP

It's warm again. Thursday we were up and out to ride.  It was an odd departure, it seemed like it took forever to get out of the house.  Some days are better than others.  It was a good day, the sun was out and it was pleasant.

Friday it hit 105F (40.5C) with some humidity.  Not Houston caliber humid, but enough. Saturday was another ride day, it was odd.  The clouds were very thick, there were no shadows either.  Part of the darkness was smoke from wild fires.  I don't know which one, but we could smell it.  It did produce this sunset last night.

This morning we woke up to a steady rain, which was good.  The air feels much better after a washing, and the grass prefers rain to city water.

Today was the "Seniors for Kamala" zoom call.  It was kind of disappointing.  I was hoping to hear about foreign policy, Ukraine, anti-trust stuff and and end to price fixing; things like that.  Douglas Emhoff was on with his parents.  They discussed the importance of family, and how nice Kamala Harris is to be around, and more family stuff.  I guess it was a tailored message to the elderly.  Perhaps I am not yet old enough to appreciate that particular message.  Then they brought out Richard Chamberlain, who originally found fame as Dr. Kildare in the 1960's.  He confirmed that the VP is nice, as well as smart.  Jim and I bailed at that point.  I wish we'd been on the "White Women for Kamala" call, apparently they had some Black ladies telling white women they needed to step up their game in this election.  I would have liked to have heard that one.

Anyway, they want volunteers for post card writing and phone banking.  I always wonder about the effectiveness of both communication methods.  Neither Jim nor I will answer the phone if we don't know who is calling.  If they want us, they can leave a message.  Jim gets 15 or so spams a day, and we don't want more.  I think many people won't answer.  Post cards have raised eyebrows on Facebook, as in how did you get my address?  Voter registration is a public record, so addresses are available I suppose, but that also feels intrusive to me.  The all important young voter is living on line, do they even get mail anymore?  I will say that the post card I got from the Arizona Democratic Party welcoming me to the fold was very nice to receive when we lived and voted there.  How does a campaign reach the young vote since they're not watching network television or reading newspapers?   The VP does have a Tik Tok account, which is humorous since the White House wants to ban tik tok if the parent company doesn't divest.

I saw this on twitter.  It's a reminder of the importance of the Oxford comma.

That's it, that's all I have to say.


  1. why the writer can't read those sentences and understand immediately that the oxford comma is necessary is beyond me. and why is it called the oxford comma and not just a comma?

    I haven't been on any of the zoom calls. I don't need to be convinced. I'm voting for her. I guess the kids are on top of it, however they communicate. I don't answer calls not in my contact list either, they can just leave a message.

  2. That does seem like an odd call - I don't blame you for bailing. I'm on Reddit and the number of people who are volunteering for phone banks is amazing to me. Like you, I'm not a fan of unsolicited calls. Once upon a time, when I was working for a financial institution that required staff to contact clients to solicit for RSP contributions. I hated every moment of it, even though I was talking to people I knew from interactions at work.
    I do hope the weather soon cools off. Those temps sound horrid.

  3. I had no idea that Merle Haggard was married to those two guys. Certainly proves how much you need to use commas:)
    40.5 C, just kill me now.

  4. Richard Chamberlain is still alive?!

  5. The Oxford Comma - love it. I did text banking for the 2020 election and won't do it again. About 95% of the texts went unresponded to or got a "stop" response, about 3-4% got snarky, nasty, f-u type responses from Trumpers, and only about 1% got "Already early voted, for Biden of course!" type responses. Just not worth the time or energy. Postcards might be better, though I am sure most go in the trash and end up being a big waste of money. I hate getting phone calls or unsolicited texts myself so realized I didn't really want to foist them on others.
