Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Q-Anon and More

Hola people! How are you?  We've started the incredibly tedious job of packing.  When we left Spokane, we had extra clothes, so we could pack in advance.  Here we have no excess clothing, so packing is more of a pain.  It's certainly a first world problem, I'm trying to leave myself a clue that in December when packing, to bring more clothes.  

Sunday we went to Target.  As is our habit, we were both masked.  While we were looking for stuff, we heard the dulcet tones of the orange dumpster fire.  Someone was walking up and down the aisles playing the previous rally held by the orange one.  What the heck?  Why would you do that?  After finding what we needed, we headed off to self check, and there she was.  She had her cell phone sitting in the kid's seat part of the shopping cart, playing back the rally at full blast.  She looked at us (masked, obviously libtards) and started nodding, saying "it's all true."  As one, Jim and I said "no it's not."  After a couple of rounds of that, she then started in on how the adrenochrome story was going to come out.  She talked about how democrats are killing children to take their blood and press the adrenochrome out of them.  Adrenochrome is a real thing, it's oxidized adrenaline, but no one is pulping kids to obtain it.  You can order it online.  The Q-Anon people actually believe that Democrats and the "coastal elites" are involved in this.  Then she started in on how President Biden is a fake.  Apparently they are convinced that what we're seeing is Jim Carrey wearing a Biden mask.  So, the crazies really do walk among us.  Her parting shot was that we're watching the wrong news channels.  If you're interested in the adrenochrome conspiracy, Men's Health did a good article on it, which you can find here.

Yesterday was warmer, we rode north from the ball fields.  Apartments are being built in very close proximity to the new Amazon distribution center.  They look really weird.  We're wondering what the function of the inverted triangle things on the tops of the buildings are.

There's been yet another school shooting in Nashville, TN.  Three kids, three adults are dead.  It just never ends here.  A Tennessee legislator is all over twitter talking about keep his kids safe by home schooling, and how they weren't going to attempt fixing the situations.  Apparently it's fine with him.  He's also the guy that said that solar and windmills are not worth doing, and we should just burn more fossil fuels.  It's amazing how full of idiots the red state houses are.

I got this off twitter.

So, there you go.


  1. I am impressed you were able to engage with the Q idiot. I have no patience for stupid people and I'll never be able to play poker.
    Enjoy your remaining time there, especially the riding.

  2. 37paddington:
    Honestly, I think I have a bead on how deep the crazy goes and then I read about this andrenochrome thing and realize I’m not imagining hard enough how extreme stupid can be. And Jim Carry in a Biden mask? Thank you for reporting all this or I would have no earthly idea. Safe travels back to the Northwest. Spring is probably making it picturesque there.

  3. It's unbelievable. But it happens. It's scary how these people believe these conspiracy theories

  4. You know, honestly, you just have to laugh. Jim Carrey in a Biden mask? I didn't realize adrenochrome was real (though I had heard about the alleged conspiracy). I'll take a look at the Men's Health article.

  5. that's a new one for me...adrenochrome conspiracy. had to look it up. and Jim Carrey in a Biden mask is hilarious. jfc, people are stupid. I've never come face to face with that kind of outspoken ignorance. well, now, that's not true. my dental hygienist last time was on a rant and I unable to contradict her. and now of course McCarthy has sent a letter to Biden accusing him of everything the republicans are (or rather aren't) doing about the debt ceiling and budget.

  6. You were brave, engaging her like that. Lucky she didn't pull a gun to "convince" you or to remove the opposition! Yikes!

  7. Yep, the Lunatic Fringe walk among us and they get Crazier by the Minute it seems, the Belief in the Absurd and their perception of an Alternate Reality and Alternate Truth is pathetic, you just can't understand shit FOR them even if you tried to explain it TO them... I no longer engage in any exchanges whatsoever. Those that run with low information and can't handle the Truth aren't worth my Time or Energy, Natural Selection at least has culled that Herd, at the advice of their Sources, which doomed them. Intentional Ignorance and the poorly Educated are sadly easily manipulated, exploited and weaponized by the unscrupulous... easy Marks.

  8. It's hard to believe that that Qidiot is the same species as us.
