Thursday, August 17, 2017

The Past Few Days

Greetings Earthlings!  Life proceeds in the GPNW.  The weather has improved, we’ve gotten some things crossed off the too do list.

Safelite came out to replace the wind shield.  The truck is a 2011 and the glass had deteriorated over the years.  It’s gradual, and the eye does not register the many slight scratches that occur.  Having the new glass in is very nice, we can see!  The person who did it was very professional, cleaned up everything and took the debris away.  It took about an hour.  I think we’re done going to a glass shop, it’s better when they come to you.


Tuesday Jim was having a decent leg day, so we decided to go downtown and walk around for a bit.


Pike Place was full of people.  They were everywhere!  When you go to the market, the easiest way to transit is by walking in the street.  The sidewalks are just jammed.


Look in the middle of the photo behind the stadium.  That’s Mt. Rainier in the background.  The mountain was almost out.


The building continues at a furious pace in the city core.  I read somewhere that very few condos are being built.  Seattle requires that condos last four years before they begin requiring repairs.  The developers are building apartments instead.


Yesterday we rode with the COs and did the loop out in Carnation Valley.  This is the always lovely Sikes Lake.  The clouds make it difficult to see the water.  I was hoping for more reflected trees.  It was nice to be there.


Today we did a shorter version of the loop.  We’re beginning to see ears on the corn. It was a lovely day, blue skies and white puffy clouds.


Tomorrow we’re having the bus washed.  It’s really streaked and just looks bad.  It’s a good thing to outsource.  Other than that, I have nothing to report.


  1. Nice to see the smoke has cleared and you're getting out and about a bit. Hoping Jim's surgery goes well next week.

  2. Looks like a fun time! Glad Jim was having a good day and that you got to get out and about. I still wear my Seattle Top Pot Donut t-shirt frequently. Great memories of our short visit there in 2014!

  3. I've never visited that part of world. Someday...
