Friday, October 18, 2024

Rabbits, the Orange Menace and Some Bad Stuff

Ho hum.  I have not much to say.  I can not tell you how happy I will be when this steeenking election is over.  There was an article about how he could conceivably get the results into the courts if it's close and he loses.  We need a landslide something fierce.

Here are some terrible photos.  It's been cloudy and overcast, things look dismal.

Rabbits out grazing.

I think this is a crab apple tree across the street.

These pictures were taken eight years apart.  The first was during or around the inauguration of the orange menace.

This was last night at the Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation Dinner last night.  It looks like some things never change.

DonOLD has not had a good week.  Judge Chutkan ruled that part of Jack Smith's filing about January 6 can be made public.  Oddly enough, NONE of it has appeared on twitter.  Hopefully someone will do an article and tell us what it says.  I hate reading legal stuff.  He continues on the glide slope to full blown dementia.  This was one of his more random statements recently.  It's worth watching.

Now, from the department of bad news you can't do anything about, we have this.  The short version is that the carbon sinks that have been working forever, have stopped taking up carbon.  This makes predictions of the coming climate disaster worse and sooner.  Natural sinks of forests and peat were key to Finland’s ambitious target to be carbon neutral by 2035. But now, the land has started emitting more greenhouse gases than it stores.  This is a Guardian article.  It's not paywalled, but they do ask for money, click the X and move on to the article. 

A  NOAA article has noted that the oceans are also not functioning as carbon sinks as well as they previously did.  This is also bad.  You can read about it here.

It would appear that yearly dental x-rays are not necessary.  There is no data to show they're required, there's no data about much of anything in dentistry.  We quit a dental practice north of here because the dentist was making head CT scans a condition of seeing him.  They were every three years, but they were also $300 a pop and that's a lot of radiation.  So, I guess I'll have a chat with my current dentist and ask if they would like to quit irradiating me so often with X-rays.

Soon it will be time to start putting clothes into space saver bags.  The amount of stuff going south seems to have expanded exponentially.  Not sure how that happened.


  1. I often wonder how much she dislikes him.

    1. I think, a lot. There was footage of him trying to take her hand while walking and she slapped it away.

  2. "I can not tell you how happy I will be when this steeenking election is over."
    And I second that emotion. Though it does not stop me from hoovering every bit of print and video available.

  3. luxurious grass for those bunnies.....

  4. I bet Melania is on her phone in those photos. She's probably bored to tears. And yes, I think she hates being his wife.

    I hadn't heard that about dental x-rays. A CT of the entire head DOES seem awfully extreme!

  5. I live in a swing state, and the political ads are HORRIBLE. Downright lies. The signs have devolved into "Trump Safety Kamala Crime" And as simplistic as that all is, it works. KISS, I guess. I can't wait for this election to be done. Even though, I think that it is going to get ugly after. Did you hear about the One Million Women Gathering on the National Mall? There were a lot of men speaking there, as is to be expected when a group of Christian women gather. Lord knows, their job is to be quiet and submissive. But in any case. one of the 'events' was a mass exorcism. I shit you not. Trump is their chosen. Something about a Seth Candidate. I couldn't read it all. It was too much crazy.
