Wednesday, May 29, 2024

The Trial of 45 and Stuff Around the House

Welp,  the trial of the century is now in the hands of the jurors.  Apparently they've asked for clarification on jury instructions, as well as to review some testimony.  Many of the twitter fake-lawyers are saying the jury has to be unanimous on all counts, others are saying only the top charge.  Marco Rubio, arch spineless sycophant of the orange menace was claiming it was all charges. Asha Rangappa took issue with his tweet and said this. 

Here is the picture.  It's difficult to read without blowing it up a bunch, but it was nice of her to draw things out for him.

We spent a large part of the day putting down this product under the kitchen sink.  It's kind of a pain because you have to cut holes for the water lines, and they have to be accurate.  So, that took some time.  It looks much better than it did. 

The rhodies are blooming, they are not all out yet.

We have started discouraging the rabbits from eating the grass in our yard.  We walk right up to them, maybe three feet away, and finally they'll decide to run.  They are entirely too comfortable around people.

Here is a marmot and a bunny in the back yard.  They stood there long enough for me to get the phone out and take this. Then they ran.

We had a sunset last night.  It was pretty good.

The weather here continues to be crap.  There is upper level unstable air mass hurling wind and occasional rain at us.  Oddly enough, there is a freeze warning for tomorrow morning at 2am.  I'm finding that difficult to believe.  Anyway, one does not complain about this weather given what other parts of the country are suffering through at present.


  1. Ugh! A freeze! I can't imagine having freezing weather now.

    I love Asha's explanation to Marco. That guy is trying any way he can to find a path to the presidency. Apparently he didn't learn from Mike Pence's example.

  2. If my time working in an area that investigated potential fraud, the top part of the drawing is the actus reus - what he did and the bottom the mens rea - why he did it. It's pretty clear that the records were falsified - that should be an easy one for the jury to decide on. I guess we'll see later this week.
    We had frost last week, but it appears to be in the past for us. I do hope it warms up soon for you.

    1. Thank you for that explanation. Had heard the words, but didn't know what they meant.

  3. Ohhh a Marmot! Sweet! We used to clear trails in the mountains, we were called "The Marmots" but we were not as cute.
    I would be very surprised if there was an actual freeze! Though, as we realize, nothing is predictable and anything can happen!
    You are so ambitious- I am so not! Under the sink flooring? I would have just tossed in a few old towels and called it a day.

  4. Well, Guilty Verdict on all 34 Felony Counts, of coarse he did his usual spiel, he'll never change, everything is rigged in advance and he is trying to undermine the Rule of Law, our Criminal Justice System, the Media, anything that wouldn't be in line with America being a Fascist Autocracy and he installed as Dictator with only Sycophants and Enablers in every position of Power. Any decline in Democracy and America he put into motion since 2016, and of coarse as usual, anything he's doing or has done, he deflects and pretends everyone else is doing or has done... he's not taken the Stand on any of his Impeachments, Indictments to refute any of the proof or evidence ... everything is only fair and legit if HE prevails/wins... if he doesn't/loses then it's rigged and biased. Sadly his Lunatic Fringe buy into his Con with Cult Devotion and it's dangerous ground he's cultivating in this Country and we should all be alarmed. I don't look forward to the Nov. Election, if it doesn't erupt in violence I'll be surprised... and he wants that, the best way to cost effectively bring down a Country is from within and every one of our adversaries knows that and he's in the Pockets of quite a few... deep in Debt to many... and is a Career Criminal who only now has had some of it catch up to him in the Criminal Justice System. It is notoriously difficult to prosecute obscenely Rich, Powerful or Dangerous people and he's used all the tactics of what Organized Crime Syndicates often use... intimidation, threats, tampering. I do worry for the Safety of all the good people involved in all his Cases, they have had their lives threatened all along while doing their civic duty. Innocent people don't do that, they don't have to.
