Friday, March 8, 2024

Mainly the Weather

It's been kind of a weird winter.  Last winter was really cold, it snowed, and received the dreaded "worst winter ever" award.  This year hasn't been all that cold, but it has been wet.  Yesterday it pretty much rained all day, and then most of the night.  Today it rained in the afternoon.  The desert is eerily green due to the amount of water received.  Today may be the last day of this weather pattern, with highs in the 70s on the way.

The skies have been impressive.  This was today, coming back from the grocery store.  Look lower right, those people are getting wet.

Tuesday we had a sun dog over the park model.  

There was a short hike one day.  Notice how colorless the sky is.  The ocotillos are very juicy at present, and some are starting to bloom.  It's nice to see. 

The round tail ground squirrels are out.  They're early this year.  We think we've seen juveniles above ground, so they've been busy in their burrows.

Tuesday Century Link came out again.  That was tech number four.  He spent a lot of time with test equipment listening for noise on the lines.  The lines are laying on the ground and they're hard to see because the light was so harsh.  Tech number two also spent a lot of time out here, but accomplished nothing. 

At the end, he came and talked to me and said our cable to the main switch at the office was "shit."  All the lines have noise on them, which accounts for slow speeds and internet dropping.  So he put us back on the pair we had been on and said he would notify the department that digs up the road to come out and replace the cable.  Wednesday we got a text from Century Link saying that Dave was coming out.  We never saw him.  Thirty minutes later, Dave was done and leaving.  Since tech number four was here, we've had close to 40Mbps, and zero dropping of the internet.  I have no idea what, if anything, was fixed, and whether it will stay fixed.  For now, we are happy campers.  It does not seem to me that it should be this difficult. 

Who watched State of the Union last night?  We saw about half of it.  President Biden did good.  The Republican rebuttal was just pathetic and Senator Britt has been completely and thoroughly dragged on twitter for sitting at her kitchen table over-acting.

Here's another troubling thing we can't do anything about.  The country is running out of electrical transmission capacity.  Between bitcoin, AI, and cloud computing, the grid is running out of capacity.  It's one of those things that can be ameliorated by a large application of money, but the question remains of who will pay.  Here is an interesting article on the subject.


  1. We are a greedy bunch, aren't we. If it's not water and food, it's electricity. Makes you wonder how it will all end. Silos?

  2. I'll be the first to admit I don't know anything bout bitcoin but it just smacks of scam to me. hopefully your internet connection is finally being taken care of. and I wonder if the desert will bloom after all this spring rain.

    1. I didn't watch either but I did read about both and the pathetic attempt of Britt and the republicans to cast her as the traditional the kitchen, wearing a cross, and speaking submissively. yeah, like Biden said, we're not going back to that.

  3. Wires and cables in the dirt- looks apocalyptic - the woman wearing a cross at the kitchen table - Wes Anderson. Have we well and truly entered the comedy of "the End Times"?
    I did watch Biden and must say that I was actually impressed. Pretty sure he had been pumped up with amphetamines of some presidential sort- massaged into a less stiff mortal coil. Whatever, his speech was strong and clear and spontaneous, especially when MTG ,in her idiotic hat ,screamed her lame heckle that went down like chunk of mud in a murky puddle. Anyway, It was good. He did drop the ball on Gaza, however, and that is the major big deal facing his re-election, I reckon. But, no choice- we must vote for him.

  4. Well THAT's a problem I hadn't heard about -- the dwindling power supply. Maybe it really is the end times?! I couldn't believe the Republicans had Britt sit in a kitchen to deliver her response. Unbelievable symbolism there about the Republican attitude toward women.

    Sounds like Tech No. 4 may have pinpointed the origins of your Internet problems. Fingers crossed!

  5. That blooming cactus is also a lovely green. As for the rest of it; vote blue, up and down.
