Friday, January 26, 2024

$83Million and A Hike Plus Socks

Today the jury in the E. Jean Carroll defamation case awarded her $83M.  According to the lawyers on Twitter, in order for him to appeal, he has to post a $83M bond.  He doesn't have that kind of money.  He is so pissed about this, it's just delightful.

May I vent?  Century Link has to be the worst tech company in the world.  Because we're in an RV park, we either get park supplied cable, which is terrible, or DSL.  DSL is internet via phone line.  When it works, it's fine.  We're paying for 40 Mbps, we're getting 22 Mbps.  It really becomes evident when you try to upload a bunch of photos, or scroll rapidly.  It has been as low as 5 Mbps.  They've sent techs out twice.  The first guy improved it slightly for awhile, but then it went back to crashing repeatedly, and slowing down.  So, I had them come back.  They guy yesterday said we had a short at the phone pedestal.  He was here for quite awhile, but when he left, we were getting 40 Mbps.  This morning it was back down to the mid 20s.  I am very unhappy with this, clearly something is wrong, but they're not in the business of doing organized trouble shooting and fixing.  Every time I call I have to wade through yet another  menu of them telling me they don't recognize my account number, or my zip code, it's so annoying.  Worse, their service window is 7 am to 4 pm.  If they show up and you're not here, they leave and charge you $100.  I hate these people.  Since we have internet TV, it's important to have internet service.  First world problems, yes, I know.

Update to post 1/27/2024:  This morning we're down to 13 Mbps.  Amazon died last night due to internet slowness and instability.  Century Link is closed on weekends, so have your emergencies M-F.

It's warmer than it has been, but the air is still fairly cold.  Given that I am a weather weenie we decided to hike today rather than ride.  Not to mention, it's good to have weight bearing activity - keeps the old bones from crumbling.  We picked the go out Hidden, come back Bowen trail route.  I think we are never doing that again.  It's been a few years since we did that, and the trail has really deteriorated.  Very rocky, very hard on the feet.  Here are scenic photos.

In order to get the resort approved, Marriott had to guarantee access to the trails into Tucson Mountain Park.  So, one is allowed to park on the street, which is convenient.  Look at that sky.

This is going out the Hidden trail. 

This is what passes for a trail.

Now we are heading down the Bowen trail.  I think this is one of the prettiest parts of Tucson Mountain Park.

 Finally, we are back at the Marriot, almost to the car.  My feet were screaming at this point. 

It was good to get out on a glorious day.  Tomorrow we're back on the bikes, no matter what.

In news of the good, I have new socks.  The same woman who made my first pair made these.  One can never have enough flip flop socks.

Other than this, I have nothing intelligent to say.

Ok, well there's this.


  1. trump sucks and I find it mind boggling that people continue to vote for him.

    The photos of your hike are lovely, despite the rough trail:)

  2. I'm glad they're hitting him hard in the Wallet, and I do Hope his criminal behavior causes him to Pay dearly and perhaps all his lawlessness will cause him to go broke. That's the kind of punishment people like him truly understand. He has no moral compass and no conscience. But, his Love of Money and bragging about how much of it he has, and bragging about how he's gotten away with and is Proud of his Criminal Activity, should have consequences. He isn't above the Law and making him Stop may be a situation where his assets should just be seized.

  3. Not holding my breath - the orange baby man will weasel his way out of it or become president and have everyone executed, as dictators do. The unchecked madness has gone on for way too long, the disease has spread too deeply and far, if the orange baby suddenly disappeared there would be a more sophisticated clone to step up . Nope, not holding my breath.

  4. IQ45 is going to have to grift hard to come up with that much money - not that he'll ever pay a dime of it willingly.
    Good on you for doing the trail, such as it was. I would have turned around at that point for fear of falling. I do hope the weather warms up for you soon.

  5. Isn't this verdict delicious? And he's still spouting off, the big crybaby. He'll never learn to hold his tongue.

    That's an amazing sky and scenery!

    I hope you get the Internet issues sorted. That's frustrating. I gotta say, our Internet provider is pretty drama-free by comparison, though we also have those ridiculous service windows for many of our utilities that leave us sitting around the house for hours.

  6. I'm waiting for Trump to have an aneurysm. not only does he have to cough up $83M either directly to Carroll but if he wants to appeal, he still has to cough up that $83M in a holding account. either way he has to come up with the money. not only that, Rudy is suing him for not paying his bill for legal representation and Nikki refuses to follow orders and drop out while she shit talks him.

    that is one intense gorgeous blue sky. and that trail looks like an ankle breaker.

  7. That man is like Teflon. I feel like he gets away with anything he wants to. And it makes me so sad and angry. He is evil.

    I could not believe the pictures of your "trail". I'd never make it over those rocks with my ankle.

  8. That looks a real Hidden Trail...not what you'd expect..but stunning views.
    Sandal socks are a good idea....must get isn't doing my ordinary socks much good! I would love to have some if the Japanese cotton socks...

  9. That trail is straight from hell. Or Trump's worst nightmares.

  10. I love this 80 year old woman who held trump's feet to the fire and did not flinch. He is finally keeping her name out of his mouth.

  11. I've not followed you here for a number of years now. Hopefully, with retirement I will make the time to read here again.

    1. oops, That was from me and I can't seem to do this right, yet
