Friday, November 10, 2023

Gas Lines and Bougainvilleas

Hola!  It has been a long day.  The man who moved the gas lines showed up bright and early, alone.  It took until mid-afternoon to finish, and we had to stay here.  It did give me time to wash the dust off the fake greenery on the bottom shelf of the TV stand.  There was a walk, and we picked up the mail. 

We have errands to run!  After the gas lines were finished, we got Target and Home Depot out of the way, but not Costco or Home Goods.  I don't like to go into popular stores on weekends, so that will have to wait.  

Here are photos from the gas line.  Many tools were required.

He cleaned up a terrible run of pipes running hither and yon, and it looks a lot better.

This is how a park model is supported and leveled.  They use concrete blocks and wooden shims.  The first time I saw this I was shocked.  I'm still shocked somewhat, but the park model is still standing and it's level.

Oh yes, part of today was spent on the phone with Century Link.  They are the DSL provider.  Our internet has been dropping multiple times a day and speeds are about half of what was promised.  The first person I talked to told me that if the problem was in the house it would cost $100, but I could save that money by signing up for "in the wall" protection.  After a month, it can be cancelled.  The second person I talked to said no, that's only for land lines.  Ok, fine.  Then she wanted to upgrade me to 80mbps, for the low low fee of $149, and oh by the way there would be a charge for them to come out and fix their buggy product.  At that point, I asked for a supervisor.  A nice lady called me and allegedly has waived any repair charges and I get the up grade to 80 meg for free.  We'll see.  We're supposed to have 40 now, but the Ookla speed test reveals we're getting 19, which is making watching TV painful with the buffering.  So, that's another two hours of my life that I won't get back.  It really is always something.

The past summer in Tucson was horrible.  It was really hot, and there was a very poor monsoon.  Many of the pyramidalis trees in the park appear to be dead.  It's sad, they were huge and shaded the west side of many park models.  The only happy looking plants are the always cheerful bougainvilleas. 

It was chilly this morning.  I got out the socks I bought from Etsy.  They're acrylic, not wool, but they're warm and comfortable.  They're marketed as hand knit, I think they might be.  Anyway, they coordinate nicely with my mandalorian pants.

We now have a functioning dryer and a furnace.  Life is better.

So that's it, then.  That's all I've got.


  1. Waiting for workmen to arrive and then do what they're needed to do is always a nuisance. Glad to hear the furnace and dryer are functioning as they should. Good luck with the internet.

  2. That's how they level houses. jack it up, slide whatever on the pier, fine tune with shims.

  3. Well, sounds like you're getting set up. I hope they get that Internet sorted out! That would be super-frustrating. Too bad about the trees.

  4. Glad you're mostly sorted and have warm feet.

  5. They said technology was going to save us lots of time! Ha!

  6. Phoenix was as bad as Tucson this year, mebbe worse, a lot is dying, we lost one of our Old Pine Trees and now it will cost a fortune to have it removed. Bark Beetle infestation and I can't risk the other Trees being so stressed they fall prey to the fatal Pests. We'd spent a fortune on an Arborist to Save the Tree already, only bought it a little Time, not more than a Year, but I felt I had to try, I won't live long enuf to see any Tree grow that big now on the property. Had to smile at your internet fiasco, especially all the Sales pitches when they already know you're having problems with their buggy product... LMAO. Perhaps it will be resolved or you'll have to seek a new provider, never fun.
