Friday, July 28, 2023

Grass, SUP, Plants and More Forms to Fill Out

Ho Hum, it's back to being uncomfortably warm.  It's not like Phoenix, but warm enough.  We're feeling somewhat enervated by the afternoons.  I think there's too much staying in the house.  The grass is really taking it in the head in the western side of the yard.  Parts are now bare dirt.  We had thought to get a cultivator for in the fall, but the dirt is hard and full of grass roots, and those things are really designed for dirt that has been worked into some degree of softness.  Perhaps we'll see if we can pay someone to come and do it for us.  I think the root cause of the grass problem, is that when they landscaped the yard, they did not put in enough dirt.  It's aggravating, we're supposed to have a good green monoculture out there.

There has been riding to the lake.  Yesterday we learned of the existence of inflatable stand up paddle boards.  Who knew?  We've seen the kayaks, but not the SUPs.  The woman foreground is running her battery powered air compressor.  I was impressed by the volume of the noise that thing made.  However, it's better than a floor pump.    Notice the absolute cuteness of her dog off to the right.  He does have a life jacket.  Then in the distance, we see a fishing SUP.  He has a cooler to sit on, a net, and a bucket for any fish he might catch.  

Next door there is what appears to be a member of the hibiscus family.  It's bushier than the Rose of Sharon.  He cuts it to the ground in the fall and then it regrows and is now blooming.

I think this is a blackberry.  Seattle and environs has been over run by blackberries and morning glory.  We don't like to see these next to our yard, they're evil.

For those of you who want to travel from Europe to here, or in the other direction, here is more news you can use.  Apparently the bureaucrats on both sides of the pond have been busy with more things to pay for and fill out.

Other than this paltry offer, I have shockingly few things to report.


  1. Blackberries are very invasive. I love them along my walk for snacking purposes but wouldn't like them near my yard either.

  2. Dang, you chose the wrong town...may have gotten up to 69 degrees today, It has been a cool summer.
    As for visas for americans I totally get that, I mean really, look at this country, would you trust us? hell no. Glad i have this trip arranged , for now the getting is good!

  3. If those are ripe it is like a Japanese Wineberry..great ground cover and tasty fruit

  4. I'm chuckling a bit, because there was a reddit group all aghast at the requirement for the ETIAS for travel to certain European countires. They were certain it was in retaliation for a similar requirement for those countries to visit Canada. However, having read your article, it clearly isn't just Canadians. In fact, I read a couple of articles and even those from the U.K. will need to obtain one to head across the channel.
    I've never been on a paddle board, and I suspect an inflatable would just be a big floaty for me. I can barely keep my balance on land, let alone on water.

  5. inflatable paddle board? I'll pass. give me a rigid one. was on a river trip and one of the women had an inflatable kayak which sprung a leek halfway through the trip. we had to rescue her in our canoe and she joined one of the rafts for the rest of the trip.

  6. My husband loves blackberries and when we travel to BC in August, he just wanders around eating handfuls of the berries. I know they are overwhelming though and tough as hell.

  7. That visa thing sounds like a pain. We travel on American passports -- wonder how that will affect us? I assume we'll be subject to the same visa rules even though we live within a former EU country.

  8. 37paddington: It's so good that you both stay so active. Those paddle boards look like fun.
