Saturday, June 18, 2022

Flowers and the Right Wingers

Greetings people of Earth.  How are you all doing in your respective climates?  Much of the world is overheated.  Europe is hot and on fire.  Swifts (the little birds) are leaving their nests in 100 degree temperatures and dying shortly thereafter.  Monsoon is coming to Tucson and as far north as Yellowstone, with flash flooding predicted.  Locusts must be on the way shortly.

Here in the Inland Empire (I did not make this name up), it has been dreary up until about an hour ago, then the sun popped out.  Here are flower pictures.  The previous owner planted peonies.  The ones called Fried Egg peonies have bloomed.

These are the neighbors'.  Are they not magnificent?

Two days ago we rode to the lake.  It was good, a little breezy, but nice weather.  Since we've been riding the mountain bikes and not the road bikes cross winds do not bother us because the bikes act like anchors.  Of course, they do that on uphills, as well.

There was an end of school event in process.  I think they were middle schoolers, they were noisy as all get out.  I feel bad for them, they'll be growing up in an authoritarian regime with limited prospects.

This comes under the heading of "you gotta want to do it."  There are two enormous tents, as well as the open air cook out station.  Look at all of the stuff.  There are solar panels leaning against the vehicle, so they're well prepared for everything.

Remember the following comment, left on another blogger's post after January 6, 2021?  I re-posted it here.

Oh my. This requires a little more research. It was not Trump supporters but ANTIFA carrying Trump flags. You can't believe everything you see on the news any more. That lady was a veteran standing outside on the lawn and was shot by the police by mistake. Where is the outrage about that? What about all the killings, looting and burning in Portland and Seattle? Where was the outrage then? News stations used to tell the truth. Now they tell you what they want you to believe. Sadly, people do believe it without further investigation.

The woman who was a veteran and was killed was Ashli Babbit, who was killed as she broke a window into a hallway which would have allowed the mob access to the area where law makers were hiding. 

These are recent comments on the same blogger's posts about the US.  The blogger, who is Canadian, used to spend winters in Quartzsite, so he's not a stranger to the US.  The first was left after a post in which he said he had been watching the January 6 hearings, and that the day's hearings had focused on the danger VP Pence was in because the mob wanted to kill him.  This is the response to that post.

Why oh why are you waisting time on the railroading of Americans? It was nothing of what they are saying. There are 1400+ hours of video that is not being released. The police killed a women, Roseanne Boylan, in the tunnel leading to the set-up. Please do not believe this fake narrative. It is NOT THE TRUTH! Roy Epps and his FBI buddies were responsible. Epps was on the FBI watch list until it was brought to their attention that people knew who he was. He is on video telling people to "go INTO the capital". He is no longer on the watch list and was never EVER questioned. What they have done to the political prisoners they are holding is horrendous and cannot believe they are getting away with going against our constitution. They even hired an abc producer to create a show trial. Please don't believe it and stop giving them ratings they don't deserve.

Please note that Roseanne Boylan was not killed in the tunnel by the police, she fell and was trampled to death by the rioters.  Epps's name is Ray, not Roy.

This was left today, by the same writer of the first comment I referenced.  I thought maybe after some time had passed that she would have recognized that she was wrong about January 6, that things Fox had told her were wrong, but no.  She's still in the bubble, and unable to entertain a different viewpoint.

It is interesting. I watched a live video of the same event where the uniformed guards opened the doors to the buildings and actually waved people inside. Just because three news stations show one side and one shows a different version, doesn't mean the three are telling the whole story. You are only seeing what they WANT you to see.

The level of wrong-headedness in this country is just depressing

Well, on this happy note, I think I'll stop typing.  


  1. Dang, line them up and give them lobotomies before they hurt some body.

    The eggy peonies are fabulous!!

  2. Those peonies are gorgeous. I wish they grew here but it gets way too hot for them.

    These people are so far into the cult and conspiracies there is no hope for them. And if all they watch is Fox, then their crazy beliefs are just reinforced.

  3. People believe what they want to believe, regardless of the facts, sadly.

    I think I'll look for those fried egg peonies, I love them.

  4. You know, a lot of people are just going to believe what they want to believe. There's not really anything to be done about it. As the saying goes, you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink.

    I do love those egg peonies. I've never seen those before.

  5. The peonies are gorgeous! I've never seen the fried eggs flowers before.

    It truly amazes how far down the rabbit hole some people have fallen. Critical thinking is totally beyond their abilities. Though I suspect they'd say the same of us. I haven't watched much of the hearings myself, but when one hears the words of those who were there and discounts their stories - it just blows my mind.
    We're gearing up for our next Freedumb convoy - apparently they are heading cross country to be in Ottawa on Canada Day. Not sure what they are protesting this time, though it is clear the Covid mandates were not the real issue last time, they want to overthrow the current government. Somehow that will cure all the ills of the world, including inflation and taxes and the housing crisis. We have our own idiots here in Canada.

  6. I have no hope of changing the minds of over the line reds. I think we can only out number them with our vote. Vote blue, no mater who, and take it from there.

  7. Love the peonies, yours and your neighbors. So lovely! There are advantages of cool and damp weather; the gardens. While we walk across our crisp, dying lawns here in NC and water our garden and container plants endlessly. As for politics, it gets crazier every day. I am sure you saw that the Texas GOP has now declared that Joe Biden was not duly elected President, and I also read that they may try, once again, to secede from the US. Would be fine with me, but it will never happen. Unfortunately, there is no talking to or proving anything to people who have fallen into the conspiracy chasm.

  8. Truth, Evidence and Proof does not matter to those who have Cult Mentality and Radicalized Views... so, there is no getting thru to them with Facts, they SO don't want to admit they are Wrong and have been intentionally misled and exploited. That person who left the Comments is clearly Trolling the Canadian Blogger and probably gets all her information from Memes and Faux News, they never do their due diligence and look at various Sources that are reliable and don't fit their narrative, they're living life in a vacuum and parrot what they heard of the propaganda they latch onto that mirrors their own skewed outlook and validates their hatred, plays into their fears and extremist leanings. Anyway, as for heating up, we're breaking records all of the time now... this Year we've already broken several... as if Phoenix isn't hot enough. *Eye Roll* That said, sometimes we're hearing that unlikely places like Minnesota and Alaska have had hotter temps than us, which is just crazy!

  9. Those yellow and white flowers look so much like fried eggs to me, I can't unsee it after having the thought. I'm also struck by how manicured and pristine your part of the world appears in these images. Beautiful and cared for. As for the false flag misinformation machine, why on earth would ANTIFA and anti Trump forces try to overturn an election that they won. I can't with the stupidity. I just cant.
