Sunday, January 5, 2020

First Post of 2020

Happy New Year!  I haven't blogged since 2019, sorry about that.  Given the things that are going on with the planet, such as the administration's attacks on science, clean air and water, their desire to BRING BACK ASBESTOS, the fires in Australia, the killing of Qasem Soleimani and subsequent destabilization of the middle east, to include Iraq voting for all foreign troops to leave and the US forces stopping the hunt for ISIS not to mention the president tweeting from a Florida golf course that he's going to bomb whatever he wants - anything I have to say seems somewhat irrelevant.  Having said that, I feel that ya'll will forget me if I don't say something.

This was the sunset New Year's day.  It was pretty.  We haven't had a good one since, no cloud cover to speak of.

This is something we see a lot in Tucson.  Apparently the police are not troubled by the practice of vehicles towing other vehicles with a flexible strap.  This is, however, the first time we have seen a pickup truck towing a motor home.  The white arrow is pointing at the strap.

Today was a glorious day.  It made it up to 70 and the winds were dead flat calm.  It was a gift.  We rode up to the ball fields and back. There's a pitiful lack of cross over between hiking and bicycling.  My cardio is absolutely better, but my pedaling muscles are still sad. 

There was not much photogenic on the trail, so the only picture I took today was of our bikes.  Mine is on the left.  The one with the gaudy lettering is Jim's.

I made boiled eggs in the Instant Pot.  They really are easier to peel than if you make them on the stove top.  Please make a note of it!


  1. Happy New Year. I'm trying to think of something to post in my first blog of the year but nothing. I hate the news. I'm cold. That's it.

  2. Happy New Year!! I'm glad the weather is finally letting everyone outside. I do need to find out where some good bike trails are.

  3. Happy new year! The beauty of that first sunset of the year is a promise. At least we choose to see it that way. May 2020 bring the healing our world so desperately needs. Love.

  4. yes, happy new year. a pretty miserable start to it though thanks to that vengeful narcissist who lashes out because nobody likes him, except the evangelicals who for whatever fucked up reason worship him as the second coming.

    we've had a string of really perfect days here too. blue sky, low humidity, not too hot during the day, not too cold at night.

    1. A pair of evangelicals I know (man and wife) say they don't care what DT does as long as their 401K's continue to rise. I tell this story to everyone who wonders what the hell's with them envangels.

  5. Beautiful sunset! Your bike looks bigger than Jim's. Is it just an optical illusion, or is it really so? Perhaps you are taller than him? As a tiny little shrimp myself, it is always quite easy to spot my miniature, child-size bikes! Happy New Year, such as it is. 😫

    1. It's because my bike is in the foreground. His is definitely the bigger of the two.

  6. Thanks for visiting my blog. The sunset is lovely and a bike ride outdoors right now sounds nice. We have people here, in Edmonton who ride all winter in the snow and the cold. Not me.

  7. I couldn't agree more about the news of the new year. The world really is in a sad state of affairs on every level. Sounds like you have been hiking and cycling a lot. That is awesome. I love the photos from your post of the 29th. The desert is looking very good. Soon it will be blooming!

  8. We see that type of towing here in TX - all heading for Mexico. The funniest I ever saw was a pick-up truck towing a dump truck and in the bed of the dump truck was another small car!
