Thursday, July 26, 2012

Fourth Week of July in Seattle

Tuesday we rode out in the Carnation Valley.  It was a spectacular day for a ride.  We saw these riders coming out of the water.

Here you can see the source of the extra legs behind the brown horse.

These posters are up everywhere.  The farms in the Snoqualmie valley are just being hammered by flooding.  That's why they're wearing snorkeling gear.

This is sad.  This is the road into the Tall Chief golf course.  It's closed now.

This is why.  I do not understand the economics of this.  191 acres and they're building 18 houses.  How is money to be made on so few houses?  It's out in the middle of nowhere.  We're very happy that they're not putting 191 houses out there, but I will miss the vast sweeps of green that were once there.

Flowers along the road side.

I have recently learned that if one changes a return flight, or if the airline changes your flight, there is a strong probability that they did not ensure that you have a seat assignment on the new flight.  We spent about 40 minutes on the phone standing out in the corn fields Tuesday talking to Travelocity.  Our return flight to Seattle from Marseilles was cancelled, and they rebooked us on an earlier flight.  The young woman on the phone assured us we had seat assignments.  After coming home and checking the Delta page, we discovered that we did not.  So that's my new airlines learning.

Yesterday we took the hiking boots in for work.  This guy comes highly recommended.  We both took in a pair for new soles, I really hope he's as good as they say.

The shop.

He's in Fremont, which is the center of the known world.  This is the bridge into Fremont.  For years it was a unique funky area of the city.  Unfortunately, it became popular, and the buildings that made it special began to be replaced with new, souless architecture.

However, there is still a rocket attached to a pub.  Every urban area needs their own rocket.

I left this big so you can read it, it's funny.

This is the back of the Waiting for the Interurban Statue.  They've been dressed for the wait.

I borrowed the next two photos from Rosemary's blog.  This is the front of the statue at Easter.

More costuming for the Interurban riders.

A view of the ship canal bridge.

This is from the Queen Anne Tower cam this morning.  The south sound was having fog, enough so that flights were delayed at Seatac.  In July.

So that's the news from the GPNW.

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