Sunday, August 25, 2024

Photos of Stuff

Fall is sneaking up on us.  Last night I was wearing flannel pants and my camo hoody sweatshirt.  It's one of my more attractive outfits.  Jim gave me the flannel pants when they shrank after the first wash.  The camo was purchased on a return trip back to Tucson, when we'd left it was so hot we could not imagine it would ever be cold again.  Weather extremes mess with the packing paradigm.

I have some photos.  First off is another full moon picture.  I took it with Jim's phone, which has a better camera than mine does.  It's sort of a moody shot with the clouds.

These are photos from other people's yards.  It's nice when neighbors plant interesting things to look at, so I don't have to.

Yesterday Jim scrubbed the deck, and I pulled weeds.  Last winter was very mild.  This summer has seen an onslaught of crab grass, Christmas tree weeds (so called due to their red and green leaves), and ants.  Actual name is Euphorbia maculata, and it seems to sprout over night, I would really like a time lapse camera.  They grow flat on the ground, so there is much sitting and then getting up to dig them out.  Anyway, I bailed on riding, my legs were tired.  We walked down the edge of the lake instead.

It was a pretty walk.  We saw exactly one person on the walking trail.  Riding on Sunday is always risky.  Many people are out, and many of them do not know how to ride a bike safely.  When we were leaving the trail head, there were 5 or 6 people spread across the entire road, two with a foot down in the oncoming traffic lane.  I always wonder if they drive like that.

That's it, I'm done now.


  1. Nice photos! Someone has a bumper crop of cherry tomatoes, and the pumpkins look great.
    I think I'm glad I've not heard of Christmas tree weed. Here it is the dratted creeping bellflower. It spreads by rhizome and by seed, so we'll never be entirely rid of it.

  2. I've seen that weed before, but I had no idea it was a euphorbia. Interesting! We have another type of euphorbia that grows in profusion in our garden -- Euphorbia amygdaloides, or wood spurge. It's everywhere.

  3. a great selection of pictures. there's a ground cover that has taken over since the flood in 2017. it grows profusely and sends down roots wherever a stem touches the ground. I don't mind it in the yard so much as it makes little yellow flowers and mows just like everything else but it has invaded all my flower beds and it a bitch to get rid of. had to be dug, can't just pull it up.
