Thursday, August 29, 2024

Back in Spokane

Today we went back to Spokane via I5 to I90.  Traffic from Everett to Bellevue, where the turn for I90 is was bad, but not terrible.  Apparently there had been an accident which they had cleared, but the memory lingered on.  Here is traffic.  We were fortunate that we could do most of the route in the HOV lanes.  People still do not like to car pool.  Even with traffic, it was faster to take the non-scenic route.

 Here we are entering the Cascades again.  It's pretty out there. 

I'm not sure where we were when I took this, it was out in the great wide open of eastern Washington.  Tucson has dust devils, but only one at a time.  I have never seen three at once in the same area.  So that was pretty cool.  They're the vertical columns of dust.

Why, you may wonder, didn't we mail the EE savings bonds to the treasury.  This is why.  In 2022 our taxes made multiple round trips between Spokane and Cincinnati.  It took 38 days for them to arrive, IRS tried to hit us with a late fee, and the whole thing was the fault of the post office.  Last winter, we had our mail being forwarded to Tucson, to the park model.  In that time frame, an RMD check was marked undeliverable and returned to the people that manage our 401k accounts.  Also during that time frame, several bills were marked undeliverable and returned to sender.  Also, they quit forwarding our New Yorker magazines.  The last one we received was the front and back cover only, dated December 18, 2023.  After that, silence.  My faith in the USPS is nil.  So, it felt better to us to drive to the credit union and hand deliver them to a teller.  I would not want that much money floating around in the post office ether.  Turns out they were worth more than we thought they would be.

Anyway, it's done, it's over, and now when the last of us dies, the executor of our will, who is a friend, will not be bothered with fooling with the bonds.  I read up on it, it's no small feat to convert them after the people are gone.

I think we're done with Seattle.  I used to miss living there, but it has become too crowded, they're still putting up apartments with no new roads to support the development, and prices are crazy.  

So now I will return to my regular programming of riding to the lake and being pissed off about the 45th president's behavior.


  1. Goodness, I thought our postal system was bad. They are slow but eventually things tend to turn up. However, apparently they are facing financial issues due to the lack of business. It's one of those endless circles.

  2. The felon is a lying sack of shit. Why is he allowed to lie and lie and lie?

  3. Real estate prices are crazy everywhere! You really DID have a bad run of luck with the post office. We've had our issues here, too. I think these postal services are struggling as they make their last gasps for survival, now that the Internet and e-mail have sapped their business.

  4. I do not miss the big city at all. there are things I miss like a variety of different restaurants, really miss the local Vietnamese and the middle eastern but the city itself with all that traffic and crowding and pissed off people? nope, not one bit.

    as for DonOld, I read where some reporter was curious why Harris did not engage with his bullshit and a campaign worker responded with why would we get in his way? referring I guess to giving him as much rope as he wants. it does piss me off though that the DoJ let's him get away with violating the Logan Act.
