Thursday, January 11, 2024

Windy and Cold-ish

Like most of the lower 48 states, we're cold!  Yes, you're colder, but we are cold enough.  Monday we awakened to discover there was no water.  The dang pipes were frozen.  We think the freezing occurred at the faucet, because the rest of the path of the water is covered in pipe wrap and then goes underground.  We'd get heat tape, but there is no 20 amp plug on the power pole.  The RV sites had them, but these do not.  Nothing burst and after a few hours they thawed.  The key learning here is to have a gallon of water hanging about so that coffee can be made.

Today the winds are gusting - a lot.  It's supposed to rain later on.  Then there will be another hard freeze.  We will be trickling water through the night to avoid another case of frozen pipes.  Saturday the highs will return to the 60's and we can venture outside once again. 

Juan Perez came today and put up the new awnings for the south side of the park model.  First, however, he showed me the photo of his first grandchild.  He is so happy about this.  We took the foil backed bubble wrap out of the windows, so there is more light in here now.  There's still nothing to see, since we're in small spaces, but the extra light is good. 

This was taken the other day.  The setting sun made gold tones in the park.  Look down the street at the red light on the arbovitae, the dead ones.  Today they're taking out the corpses and hauling them away.  This is bad for the park model they were growing next to, they've lost their protection from the setting western sun which is HOT.

Since it has been so dang cold, we've been burning propane at a prodigious rate, and so has everyone else.  This is our poorly insulated stove, which caused us to go buy a Breville counter top oven because the heat from this thing just about drove us out of the park model.  However, it makes a great little area heater, and we think it uses less propane than the giant furnace out back.  Anyway, we had a propane delivery yesterday, and they did not arrive until about 9:15pm because they are so busy because we're all cold.

Yesterday, Jim had an elective out patient procedure that required anesthesia and intubation.  I was pretty weirded out about the prospect of him being around unmasked people, breathing on him during a surge.  From twitter I learned that if you want your mask replaced as quickly as possible after extubation, talk to the anesthesiologist. They will make it happen in recovery.  When Jim woke up, he had his mask back on, and his wife was happy about that.  Saturday we will start testing for Covid to see if the worst has happened.  The procedure went well, Jim is fine.

In news of the US postal service, this is what we received today.  They sent the front and back cover, but the inside of the magazine is missing.  This is so annoying.  I guess their equipment mangled the issue, and rules and regulations said they had for forward the remains.

So, that is all I have to say about anything.


  1. Dang, your winter retreat could be going better, right? Keep warm.

  2. It's 20s and teens here and I'm sure Spokane would be even colder; perhaps that will help you feel a little warmer!

  3. I dread when something I've ordered ships USPS. It is usually delayed traveling all over the country. Best wishes to Jim post-procedure.

    1. Mail that is to be forwarded is even worse. There are Christmas cards that will probably never arrive.

  4. Well, that's a first -- getting just the cover! I've had mangled mail before but I'm not sure it's been THAT mangled. Maybe some highly literary postal employee stole the inside? LOL

    Glad Jim's procedure went well. Stay warm!

  5. Yikes, I guess it is winter everywhere in the northern hemisphere. Hope this is the last of the freezing for you.
    I moved less than three months ago, and a piece of mail addressed to my new address was returned to sender by Canada Post. They assure me it was just a mistake on the part of the replacement carrier. I wouldn't have even known had the screening center not called to confirm the new address.
    Glad to hear the procedure went well, and hopeful that he didn't contract anything while there.

  6. Glad the Procedure went well. Yes, it's been Cold, they said on the News that every State had Weather Warnings. I've had mangled Mail before, it doesn't happen that often, thankfully. We haven't spent any time in the 5th Wheel to know how it feels in there all day and night... I have much to learn about one of them and maintaining everything. The Grandsons took the Course when we bought it that the Dealership provided, we thought they'd be here longer to take care of things... and... that didn't happen. There are Online Tutorials about everything tho', so... whenever I feel so inclined. *winks*

  7. It's been cold up here too, but at least the sun comes out and cheers us up! We masked and sanitized and held our breaths when we walked by people and and and, and still Covid came to visit us. I suppose we should be happy that it's waited this long. Ah well, it's the new reality. Glad to hear Jim is OK!

  8. glad to hear Jim came through his procedure fine. that whole intubation thing would scare the crap out of me especially since I saw how awful it was removing it from my sister when she died.

  9. It has been cold hasn't it? I really don't like it when the temps don't get higher than the mid 50's. I keep thinking how odd that is since I was out every day in London with temps like that but, our dry cold is very much colder.
    I had a similar mangled object from the post office recently. Luckily mine was just a catalog and of little value.
    This week's weather is looking much better.

  10. I have a good USPS story, on par with your New Yorker cover. My brother's mail is being forwarded to me. A Christmas card came with his forwarding label, but the card was to someone else entirely, a different name, different address, just happened to live in the same city. I took it to my local post office (not the forwarding office), and they were as confused as I was. I said that it was not my brother's mail and maybe it should just be returned to sender. I should have removed the forwarding label from the envelope instead of just writing "Wrong person and address" with an arrow pointing to the forwarding label, because two days later, it came back to my mailbox. I should mention that it was postmarked Dec. 8th, and I received it for the second time on Jan. 12. Please don't turn me into the feds, but I put it into the trash. ENOUGH!
