Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Toilet Paper, the Orange Guy and Inclement Weather

There has been a great leap forward in toilet paper manufacturing.  Actually, it is kind of a big deal.  Charmin did research on how to best perforate the paper squares so they would tear cleanly, instead of leaving the dreaded hanging section of the square.  After much testing, it was discovered that a wave pattern was most effective.  They retooled their plants to change the perforations.  It actually does work well.  See?  American ingenuity at its finest.  You can read more here.

The republican candidate for the presidency continues with his program of shock and awe on how awful his speaking has become.  In New Hampshire he was heard to say this, ".. which is incapable of solvin’ even the sollest smallest problem. The simplest of problems, we can no longer solve. We can’t do anything. We are an institute in a powerful death penalty. We will put this on."  I give up, what was he trying to say.  See more at Meidas Touch.  His family clearly does not love him, or they would get him help.

Our weather continues to be undesirable.  It's not nearly as terrible as the rest of the country, so one can't complain, much.  

There was a ride north from Christopher Columbus park.  Our first stop was to see if the ball fields rest stop was still open.  That would be a big nope.  It's unfortunate, it's a nice stop, the water was good, and the toilets are clean.  

Then it was farther north to check on the sewer pipe project that was supposed to be done by now.  Nope.  Doesn't look like that will end any time soon.  While we were standing there, a walker came up and we spoke to him, as one does.  Big mistake.  He talked, and he talked, and he talked.  Worse, he had zero sense of personal space.  He was within three feet of Jim's face.  I kept backing up, Jim kept backing up, and he advanced.  Hopefully he didn't have Covid, We're still testing, so far so good.

We saw this when we got back to Christopher Columbus.  Someone spent a lot of time putting things on this car.  That will not help resale value.

Since the weather was cold and wet yesterday, we went out to buy food.  Things were getting dire in the pantry.  The Catalinas were wearing clouds.

One thing the inclement weather encouraged was a deep cleaning of the upper cabinets.  Simple Green works well for ancient deposits of unknown materials that have petrified.  Good thing.  Look in the cabinet on the left, see the wall paper?  That's what used to cover the entire park model.  The painting job that was done isn't great, but it's better than the flowered paper.

So that's it.  That's all I've got on offer.


  1. Toilet paper, the orange thug and sewer pipes. I think I see a pattern.

  2. Charmin has been advertising the shit out of their wavy perforations. but really? is the still attached piece of a square still hanging really that horrible? talk about a first world problem. I'm sure the money they spent on the research and retooling their machines could have been spent on something else more worthwhile. but then I particularly hate Charmin's commercials with the stupid bears that don't want to pick up the underwear on the floor while none of them are wearing underwear! and, that whole 'enjoy the go'.

    Trump is deteriorating fast. the news is even finally starting to comment on it, even Fox.

  3. I think trump is just to horrible to deal with, even for his family. The future looks dim.

  4. I agree with Bill, there is a clear theme here!
    There was a photo of IQ45 with sores/bruises on his hand. I believe it was thought he had a fall. I'm now wondering based on the speech you've quoted whether these were actually broken blood vessels as the result of a stroke. We'll never know for certain but it is clear the man is not healthy. Can we dare hope for a divine intervention?

  5. I saw a clip of the Big T, slurring his words. I played it several times. Not kind, but fun.

  6. Perforations..sparks the memories of Hanging Chads, with an election looming?

    We just stick with Who Gives A Crap Bamboo Loo paper..straight perforations and all! I can't say I have noticed any problems.
    It is frustrating when a good rest stop disappears, upsets the journey plan.

    I'm with you on the kitchen sorting...just the thing for bad weather. Do you get the Where have you hidden the....??!! afterwards?!

  7. Good grief, what a word salad from Trump! And the right wingers say Kamala Harris is inarticulate. She couldn't hold a candle to that.

    That car is amusing as heck. Seems like it might attract harassment in conservative Arizona.

  8. That car is a strange thing. Why would anyone want their car to look like that.
    The weather has not been very nice this last week. I am so ready to see the sun again.
