Monday, April 8, 2019

The Final Hummingbird Post

This was the older hummingbird this morning.  S/he was working on breaking the casings on the tail pin feathers.

One of the worst things about HRH's placement of the nest was its proximity to a wall.  This is a roadrunner.  We had seen it before and driven it off.  Today it returned.  It jumped on the wall, and then jumped to the nest.  It ate both of the babies.

So, the hummingbird saga is over.  HRH has been by looking for the kids, but they're gone now.  We're all pretty depressed about this.


  1. oh no! after all her hard work. ah well. everybody has to eat and what we eat is each other.

  2. Oh, that is so sad. A couple years ago at McDowell there was a hummingbird nest with two eggs in a tree by our site. One morning we got up and the nest was on the ground and the eggs were gone. Thought maybe an owl got them. It's a tough world out there.

  3. Nature can seem very cruel to us humans, but unfortunately thats the way it is. I'm sure she will have another brood.

  4. This makes me so very sad. Sad for HRH. Sad for you and Jim who worked so hard not to disturb them while creating the safest environment you could. And sad for my 90 year old Mom who has been coming to your blog daily to read your progress reports. I hope that roadrunner gets a beak lodged sideways on its way out...

  5. Well, damn.If HRH has another go, and it's a sure bet some HisRoyalHighness will nail her, I hope she builds a more sensible nest. The only hummingbird nest I've ever been involved with could only be seen from a third floor window.

  6. Very sad ending but 'nature' and all that.

  7. OH NO!!!! I've never heard of such a thing!! I'm so sad ...........

  8. My friends had a nest on their patio cover and the crows found it. Same scenario. I have been meaning to comment, you live in such a beautiful, desert environment. I had not been there for years, until last December when we were shipped/driving to Texas. We drove the southern route and spent a wonderful night in what is becoming more and more a beautiful city of artist along the border with Mexico. We had a great time in your backyard.

  9. Oh no! That's so sad. As they say -- nature, she fierce.

  10. No! They were beginning to feel like family.
    It's both a cruel and caring Universe. I guess we all got to eat...

  11. What a dramatic, abrupt and depressing ending!

  12. Indeed, abrupt and depressing. We miss the little buggers, they were very entertaining.

  13. Oh no! I am so sad. Here I was, after the fact, reading all these posts, enjoying all these photos, and then I read this one. I didn't look at the date and was so hoping it was an April Fools post. I am gutted. :-( :-( :-(
