This never happens. It's July 1 - summer in the GPNW doesn't start until July 5. But look, look at that sky. Just amazing. This is coming through the Cascades.

Mt. Stuart, taken at a rest stop.
Lake Keechelus on the west side of Snoqualmie Pass. I have
NEVER seen this much water in it. Usually you can see stumps of dead trees and a lot of lake bottom. This area received much snow this winter.
Still blasting to widen I-90.
More scenic beauty on the way in to Issaquah.
So we're here. Jim has washed the RV to remove all of the pesky pollen that stuck to us in Bend. We are perfectly level side to side and fore and aft. My inner ear is happy and so am I to be back where we lived for so many years.