The drive to Frankfurt was uneventful, except for putting the wrong street name in the GPS, a lot of it was on red roads over the Hunsruck, which was pretty darn scenic. Fortunately the error was not significant, and it took us to a Biergarten. It was not all bad.
I saw this magazine cover at one of the rest stops. Germany has had an outbreak of a very nasty E. coli strain, 10 people have died over the last 3 weeks. They think it's coming from Spanish cucumbers, the Spaniards are denying it.

Food at the autohofs is amazing. They actually cook. This stop had a guy doing pasta if you ordered it. The already cooked food was fried potatoes with bacon, schnitzel (which is a breaded fried pork), wurst and meatloaf. It's not meatloaf like in the US, it's more of a pressed and formed meat slurry. The lady in front of us had a slice of that, with an egg over easy on it, and the fried potatoes. I would like to know what Germany's cholesterol numbers are. If they aren't high, then I'm done with broccoli.

We checked in to the Comfort Inn Airport hotel. It's just gruesome. We left to figure out how to get to the airport. Not wanting to return to said hotel, we went back to the beer garden and had fries and a beer. It was just delightful. Those of you who know me in real time know that I am not a beer drinker, except for here. It's really good.

Calling this an airport hotel is just ridiculous. It's out in the toolies, the "shuttle" they advertise is them calling you a cab, and there is no air conditioning. Our bathroom faces west and I've McGyvered a curtain for the window to cut down on the heat. Today's key learning is to book the last hotel
at home, where the force of the internet is strong and one is able to read the hotel reviews. Had we done that, we would be elsewhere.
My ear continues to be very painful. Hopefully my head will not explode on the plane.
Jim and I have been singing the chorus to the London Homesick Blues the last couple of days.
I wanna go home with the armadillo
Good country music from Amarillo and Abilene
The friendliest people and the prettiest women you've ever
We're ready.
we're ready to have you back :) save travels!