Last night was fun. We rented "Morning Glory" which was a funny romantic comedy. Parts of it made us laugh out loud. Then we opened the room window (windows really open, you could jump out if you wanted to) and watched the thunder and lightening. It was impressive.
Today we drove to Dachau. It was the prototype for the concentration camps of WWII. It was originally populated by people who resisted the Nazis. I did not know that Jehovah's Witnesses were on that list. But they were. There are two memorials there that are very powerful. This is a big one that is outside of the museum. Those are people looking like barbed wire.

As the Allies came closer to the camps, the Nazis forced the inmates to walk to other camps. They were trying to cover up what they had been doing. Thousands died on the death marches. This commemorates those people.

It's a sad place. Never again.
After Dachau we had planned to go to Rothenburg until we discovered how far away it was. So we went to Bad Tolz instead. It's a spa town south of Munich. On summer weekends people from Munich like to come and swim at their giant pool and enjoy the scenery. It's just cuter than a bug.

This is the Muhlfeldkirche. It's a smallish church with a beautiful interior.

Here is the Church of the Assumption, which is undergoing a total renovation. It's a beautiful church, whenever they finish, it should be stunning.

We stuck our heads in and got a picture of this. The vaulting and organ pipes were equally beautiful, but we had to leave without photos.

Detail from above.

On the hill, is the Kalvarienbergkirche (Calvary Church) on the right and the Leonhardikapelle on the left, which is the destination of the Leonhardi pilgrimage.

Inside the Calvary Church. There were several rooms and levels in this church; all unattended and full of old beautiful religious items. We were the only people there

This is from the Leonhardikapelle, which was a small building.

I was raised Baptist, so although we find the Catholic churches beautiful, I can offer zero explanation or insight into what we're seeing. Which is why I publish a lot of pictures with no information!
Tomorrow will be the rococo church at Wies on the way to Garmisch. Yes, I know, another church. Then we will be in beautiful scenery and maybe there will be something new to see, like shoes.
you know me, I love the churches (or in my Jim's vernacular, Abbys). I am having such fun following along your travels!