Munich is just lovely, and the people are lovely as well. It's obvious that this is the most prosperous city in Germany. The people in Dresden and other cities in the former eastern zone did not have the polished, well fed, and professionally manicured look that the people in Munich have. The haircuts are better, and they are very well-dressed. All it takes is an application of money. If I had more bandwidth I would upload shoe pictures; but no, you're getting old buildings. Our hotel is pretty far away from the city center, but we have great freeway access. It's a 10 minute walk to the U-bahn. So we tubed into the old town this morning. The glockenspiel was playing and the dancers were dancing in the tower of the Altes Rathaus on the Marienplatz. Bavaria! Gotta love it.
We then walked down to the local Frauenkirche which here is Catholic. For some reason I did not get an exterior shot. It was pretty dang impressive inside, the paintings they have are magnificent.
After mooching around Munich for awhile, we took the U-bahn, the S-bahn and two trams out to Schloss Nymphenburg, one of Ludwig the Second's homes. Apparently kinging requires a lot of real estate. It's an enormous palace with enormous grounds.
Then it was back to the downtown Kaufhof, which translates as “buying station or house”. The lower level is a gourmet shopping experience. They have mass quantities of food beautifully presented. We bought a rotisserie chicken. We are so happy to have a meal that does not involve some part of a pig. Many pork products are eaten here.
I've been observing us and what we're missing while out of the country. I am missing TV in English with a plot (I am tired of BBC & CNN International), cereal with cold milk and ice. Jim misses hot weather, hot oatmeal and Mexican food.
Tomorrow we're either driving to Bertchesgaden or Rothenburg. Depends on the weather forecast. It'll be good to rest the feet.
loving the updates! rest those feet, always a good thing. Miss you.