Monday I did the RCW bike club ride. It's a social ride. We started out east and rode back in to the city on the Aviation Parkway trail. It's dead flat. We did go over the Rattlesnake bridge again, this is the rattle at one end of the bridge.
Jim did not fare so well with his recreational choices. He went out to Fantasy Island to ride with Glenn and Jim S. Five minutes into the ride he went too wide on a turn, went in to some soft sand, his front wheel went sideways, the bike stopped, and he went down. He did, however, get up and continue on for 19 miles, riding all the hard trails without incident. He's a stud. Judging by the lack of damage on his hands, I don't think he got his hands off the handlebars. Last night the most pain was from pulled muscles in the groin area. If I had more bandwidth I would have uploaded an AVI of him getting out of his chair, it was that pitiful. But, that would be cruel.
On the bright side, he went down in sand and not into the sharp sticky uppy rocks, and no cactus were involved.
It's hard to get a good gruesome shot of injuries. I think I need better lighting.
Here he is, he's up, he's bandaged.
So, the debate continues. Is mountain biking fun? There is a certain sense of satisfaction when one has successfully ridden across something that scares the snot out of one, but does that constitute fun? Does one actually need to have the snot scared out of one to have fun? We're still in discussions over this.
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