Tuesday, March 18, 2025

What Are We Outraged About Today?


Here is the link to her bio.  It's a lot.


  1. It's strange how christian nationalism and cheating on your wife, and raping women, go together in Pete Hegseth's mind.

  2. It's men like him who feel threatened by Women and Minorities who have done the job better than he ever could and it makes him fearful of being 'replaced'.

  3. The man is oily and reprehensible.

  4. This is a woman who intimidates the lesser men like Hegseth, who have nothing noteworthy, except in a negative way.
    I am taking some pleasure in seeing the courts blocking IQ45's orders. One hopes that the SCOC will continue that trend as these cases wind their way through the courts.

  5. Such petty vindictive little men who cannot tolerate that women are not just their peers but their betters. And it's not just in the military, they are erasing women and people of color from the public record across the board.

  6. What ellen said. They cannot stand up to the comparison, so the erase the true achievers, and pretend to be more than they are. Petty, vindictive little men.

  7. We keep hearing the threat of 'military force if necessary.' What kind of military is he going to have if minorities and woman simply refuse to fight his power grabs?
