Monday, April 22, 2024

Final Day in Tucson

It really is always something.  We're leaving tomorrow morning.  Currently it's 95F (35C).  The air conditioning is down for major servicing.  It started out as being a new thermostat, but evolved into a new capacitor, installation of a surge protector, and washing out of years of dirt from the system.  It's really hot in here.  So, there's that.

Once again we are reminded that we are constitutionally unable to travel light.  We were up early to finish packing and putting it in the car.  It barely fit.  We lost sight of the fact that two boxes came down in the trailer.  Now they're in the car.  We ended up with two garbage bags instead of the 5 or 6 we had coming down here.  We brought too many clothes.  Duh!  In our defense it was freezing last winter, we wore all of the bulky warm jackets and the warm waterproof boots.  This year we did not.  Since winter is always a crap shoot, I guess we'll transporting it all again when we come back down.

We also failed a little on eating down the food stocks.  The non-perishables went to the food bank.  Note to self, do better menu planning towards the end.

For future reference, this is how we got the bikes in the Arizona room.  The shed is now full of an eight foot ladder and the grill.  Plus, we wanted them off their tires, because it's hard on the side walls.

Tomorrow we are up and out for Page, AZ, home of Lake Powell.

Here is a cactus photo for you.

Happy Earth Day to those who celebrate.


  1. 37paddington—safe travels!

  2. I don't envy you the trek back. drive safe.

  3. Have a good trip back. Love the delicate pink blossoms!

  4. At first glance I thought you'd packed up half a dozen bottles of Jack Daniels! I'm interested in your trip because I've actually traveled that same route -- from Flagstaff through Kanab, UT, a city I think you'll pass through. This interests me because I'm not at all a well-traveled person but I HAVE been there! Have a good trip.
