Monday, November 9, 2020

The 45th President Will Not Accept His Loss

Good grief.  The election was six days ago.  Today in Pennsylvania two lawyers have filed papers to ask the courts to block PA from certifying its electoral votes, effectively excluding the state from the electoral college.  AG Barr is authorizing the DOJ to probe substantial allegations of voting irregularities despite no evidence of wide spread fraud.  This contradicts the long standing practice of DOJ not being involved in election results.  I guess if they couldn't win the election, they're going to try to steal it.  I just got my blood pressure down and now I can feel myself getting tense again.  Why can't this party behave with a shred of decency and integrity?

Also today, the orange wombat fired the Secretary of Defense.  The person he installed is an illegal pick because the law says command should have moved to the Deputy Secretary of Defense.  The person he picked also hasn't been out of the military long enough to be a valid choice.  But hey!  Rules don't apply to him. 

The wombat also fired the person who was in charge of putting out reporting on climate change, like ocean rise, temperatures and all of that. I guess we don't need no stinking data.

It rained last night and it's much cooler than it was.  After enduring the past summer, anything under 70 degrees feels cold.  There were some nice clouds this morning.  The light on the agave was nice.

This was taken driving down the street to the grocery store.  At Safeway we observed holes in the supply chain.  Cleaning products are in short supply.  Toilet paper is still available, but there are gaps on the shelves.  In my news feed there was an article about spice shortages, which I can confirm, as well as Libby's pureed pumpkin.  Thanksgiving may be a lot grim this year.

There is some humor to be had in the continued mocking of Rudy Giuliani.  Apparently the wombat tweeted that there would be a press conference at the Four Seasons.  The hotel tweeted back that nope, they weren't hosting that.  So it was moved to Four Seasons Total Landscaping.  They actually went ahead with it.

The twitterverse had much fun mocking Rudy for several days.

Der Speigel had a good cover with their opinion of Biden's win.

I have no idea if the election can be over turned.  What all of this crap does do is make the transition more difficult than it needs to be.  Emily Murphy, of the GSA, will not sign the paperwork to release funds to the transition team, provide government emails, office space and access to department heads for the planning.

It's just bullshit.  He lost.  He should be a human being just for once in his life and accept it and move on. 


  1. Today Biden appointed a Covid advisory council. He should just keep chugging along, acting AS the president, with press conferences. Seeing Biden on TV on a regular basis would get under trump's orange skin.

  2. Regarding your last sentence, I think you're just asking too much!

  3. He will never give up. I'm not sure we'll ever see a concession. I have a sense of dread about this whole unprecedented situation. What happens if we have two claimants to the Oval Office? And half the country believes in one, and half in the other? Where does that leave us?

  4. I fear this transition will have the same horrible fascination as a car crash seen in slow motion.

  5. it's not just him. it's the republican party as well. until the states certify their election results and turn them in by mid-December the win is not 'official' and as you noted they are suing states to prevent certification even though the republican governors and secs of state are pushing back insulted that they are being accused of running a fraudous election. anyway, if all the states don't send in their certification by the deadline then the House delegates pick the winner. I don't know how many of those there are but someone said 29 of them are republicans. so we really need to impress upon those five states to certify their elections asap.

  6. A slow car crash is the best description. Awful.
    The news conference location has been described as being between two stiffs..amongst other things.

  7. It will be a tough 2 months - probably as bad as the past 4 years. Overturning the election is unthinkable no matter how hard they try.

  8. And what will he do with all the state secrets entrusted to him?

  9. I read something today about the truck loads of fast food being shipped in to the white house...a decent heart attack could solve this entire problem.
