Here Jim surveys all he can see on the rocky trail.
There is some side hill trail and a couple of small scrambles.
It was a lovely day.
Yesterday we did not hike. Our little feet were tired from the rocks.
Today we were back out hiking from the Sarasota Trail head. There were several mountain bikers on the trail. I can’t believe people can ride rocks that size. I didn’t get any pictures of them riding on anything majorly scary. We did the loop counter clockwise.
We also went out the Yetman trail for awhile to see if we could figure out where it goes. After walking and walking and walking, we decided that perhaps we were not that interested, and went back to complete the loop.
Other than hiking, there has not been much interesting going on. There is daily life, there is grocery shopping, it’s fairly boring. Posting becomes difficult. Perhaps we should get jobs so I could complain about something other than the policies of the current administration. Did you see that Paul Ryan is now on record as saying he’s coming for Medicaid and Medicare? Rich people get tax breaks, the poor and the old get the shaft.
In October, I linked to an article by Michael Lewis about the damage being done to the Department of Energy, and by extension, us. Mr. Lewis has written another excellent piece about the U.S.D.A, and how the department is being gutted and its mission is being subverted. It’s excellent writing, and very worth reading. He really illustrates the depth of knowledge and experience that’s being lost by current appointments.
Most excellent article, thanks for sharing it. It deftly proves what we've all been thinking...that we are living through the dumbing down of America from the very top. It is painful to realize that the sh*t going on in this administration is going to be detrimental to our country for many, many years.