Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Boredom in the Desert

Not too much is shaking in the south west at the moment. Rincon Country West held their annual parade yesterday in the park.  The theme this year was "The Americas."  People decorate their golf carts, their bikes and themselves and then parade up the main road of the RV park.  I don't know how I feel about this.  I personally would feel like an idiot, decorating my bike and then promenading up the street.  Some people really enjoy it, so we must simply say to each their own.

We're entering the season of love.  The doves are busy cooing at one another and soon there will be canoodling.  Jim had to turn the ladders upside down on the rack to prevent them from building nests on the ladder rungs.  For some reason the ladders look really good to the doves.

Jim is up to about a mile and a half of walking.  That's in addition to daily physical therapy, riding the spin bike and lifting weights at the gym.  Those pink blobs on the concrete pad are for gait training.  He's still limping a little and having to hit each mark when walking helps even out his gait.

There was another decent sunset, as well.

Other than this paltry offering, I have nothing much to report.  We need to go somewhere and see something different.


  1. Sounds like the activity level is increasing slowly but surely.

  2. A mile and a half is a big deal. Nice to hear there is improvement!

  3. Any post that uses the word canoodling is far from paltry. Not to mention that sunset HOLY SMOKES!

  4. My thoughts exactly. Keep calm and enjoy the sunset!

  5. LOL, that parade would not be my thing either, just like the many events/get-togethers here at the park where we are, in the clubhouse. Maybe when we are a little older. :-) I think Jim is doing great to be up to 1.5 miles, but I am sure his recovery seems painfully slow in comparison to where he was. Patience is tough!
