Behold last night's din-din, succulent little chicken thighs cooked on Jim's new cute little barbie. The evening started out with such promise. We grilled chicken thighs and then decided to cook the forbidden food, french fries. The fries cook at 450 degrees, a hot oven. So we were sitting there talking over cocktails waiting for the fries to be done, and then BOOM! HISSSSSSSSSSSS! Instant terror, thoughts of propane explosions, certain death, or at least a pretty good maiming. We turned off the oven, determined it wasn't the gas and then noticed the water running out from under the cabinets. As it turned out, the pex hot water tubing had somehow contacted the bottom of the really hot oven and melted. The water is under a fair amount of pressure and it just went everywhere. So, we ran out, got the water turned off and looked at each other with disbelief. Dinner ended up being chicken and almost cooked fries eaten standing up from the stove top because we would not be doing dishes.

This is one of this century's best inventions. The mobile RV repairman. I called him at 0700 hours this morning, he'd been able to get gasoline the day before, so he was out at 9 am. The pex tubing was replaced with metal tubing and all is now well. Jim is now arm wrestling with Keystone to get them to pay for the repairs.

So after washing and drying the bath towels used on the floor last night we took the bus out to the mall to walk around. Jim got shorts and a shirt at the Dillard's clearance center and I got pink fuzzy lounging pants. On sale! Cheap! Then it was off to the Farmer's Market. It's pretty cool. They've got great looking okra, tomatoes everywhere, pumpkins and jam. We were surprised to see the delicacy known as Frog Jam. Mmmmmmmmm good.

The bay where they sell to the public.

Folk art.

Hot sauce, these people have hot sauce.

Below is this year's must-give Christmas present. It makes realistic rooster crowing noises. Just think, you could have a flock of them.

It's fall, time to mutilate and eviscerate a pumpkin.

Allegedly the gas is flowing through the Colonial Pipeline to Spartanburg to be trucked in to Asheville tonight. They're showing lines of tankers at the depot on TV. We're thinking we'll get up at oh dark thirty and check the Shell, BP and Hess. I want gas! We want gas now!
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