Sunday, June 23, 2024

Ely, NV to Kingman, AZ

Today we transited from Ely, NV to Kingman, AZ.

We took NV318 south out of Ely.  It knocks off a couple of mountain passes than if you go US93.  The road surface was good until Alamo, then it was not good.  NV318 is not visually interesting.  Last year we took US93 to Kingman which looks better, but we can't remember what the road surface was like.  Getting through Las Vegas was not bad.  As we did last year, we took US95 from Las Vegas down to Laughlin, then over to Golden Valley and on to Kingman.  We had forgotten how hilly it is once you leave Laughlin.  Once out of Laughlin road surfaces are ok for the most part.  Please make a note of this.  

This is out there, not sure where.  The hill sides look like draped fabric.

Much of the Great Basin has solar panels on it.  This is south of Las Vegas.  The black stripe sort of in the middle of the is a huge farm of solar panels.  Nevada is a good place for this.

After leaving Las Vegas it rained on us a little.  Laughlin had a huge anvil cloud forming, but we didn't get wet.  This was taken from the parking lot of the Kingman La Quinta Inn and Suites.  The cloud looks wet, but it hasn't rained yet.

So we're back at the La Quinta.  I like this hotel better than the Hampton Inn.  There is not so much scent in the rooms.  The bathroom is good, beds are good, it's an ok place.  The Hampton Inn was making my eyes burn.  When we got here today it was 102F (38.8) and the wind was, as always, howling.  Tucson will probably be the same when we get there.  Spokane is having much better temperatures.  Sad, so sad.

Sorry this is such a boring post, but if I don't write things down, I don't remember them.


  1. Good to hear you're closer to your destination. Safe travels the remainder of the way.

  2. Every time I hear of Kingman I think of "Get Your Kicks on Route 66." (Which I realize is not a road you'd drive on this trip!)
