Sunday, December 6, 2020

A Disjointed Post

Today was a halcyon day - warm with light breezes.  It was the kind of day we didn't have very frequently over the last two winters.  It's a La Nina winter, we're hoping for warmer weather and less wind.  One is not allowed to hope for no rain, since we're in extreme drought.

The bougainvillea seems to be shutting down for the winter.  Last year at this time, it was covered in blossoms, this year, not so much. 

The weight bench I ordered arrived.  It was a simple assembly.  I love it when vendors do their small parts like this.  They're shrink wrapped to the cardboard, and very clearly labelled.  The instructions contained not one word, only pictures.

The totally, and completely, fake Christmas tree.  This is year three for it, so far it has only dropped three branches.  Moving in and out of the box is hard on the wire.  The first year we had it, the lights on the top third wouldn't come on.  We add a string of lights to that section.  This year I had planned to replace it, but since we can't shop, we can't replace.

We put net lights on the palm next to the patio.  It may be the last year for it, it's getting tall and we hate ladders.

The rabbit has been back visiting us.  He's a cute bunny, he's also the reason why I can't have any flowers in the yard.

Rudy Giuliani has Covid.  Apparently there have been cases reported starting at the Gettyburg airing of grievances.  One wonders how many other people will get it.


  1. I love the lighted palm tree! And kudos for keeping your Christmas tree going another year. The longer it lasts, the better for the environment, right?

  2. that is one tall skinny tree. our neighbors have been putting up their lights. not something I do but I enjoy the efforts of others.

    I'm only surprised it took this long for Giuliani to get it. I don't wish anyone getting sick enough to die but it seems unfair after all the deaths that none of Trump's people have succumbed. Well, except one person, it would save the country a whole lot of heartache if he would just keel over.

  3. I love the tree and lights. I'm not putting a tree up any longer but I did put out some of my decorations so the place looks more festive. I echo Ellen's Giullani appraisal. It's amazing that it took so long.

  4. That hill on top looks so prehistoric. It is, I know, but it looks like a dinosaur back or a fish from the blackest depths.

  5. As always, pretty pictures. We tried having a real tree our first year in Tempe. Literally turned brown two weeks before the day - from then to now, fake but green trees. As for Giullani - karma's a bitch.

  6. I like your tree. We are doing zilch decorations this year in our rental apt., as it is so full of furniture, there is no place to add a thing. Plus my few saved decorations are still packed away in my mother's basement. Perhaps if the La Nina could actually bring us some dry weather (or we could swap our incredible rain surplus with you), our home build could get going. Right now the driveway is a mudpit. It started raining heavily right after they cleared out the trees the first week in Nov, and there it sits. Just another 2020 thing, I guess. Hoping for better for all of us in the new year!
