Tuesday, July 7, 2020

The Heat Dome Arrives

First there was a pandemic that was coming under control.  Then there was a push to get "back to normal" despite the fact that cases were increasing.  So much for adhering to the guidance of opening after two consecutive weeks of declining cases.  Our Governor Ducey just could not wait, and now we have this.  The number in yesterday's paper was 50, now it's 55.  Way to go gov.  Maricopa county is by far the worst in the state, Pima county is second.

There's an interesting piece on the WAPO about the administration's handling of the virus.  Basically they're not handling anything.  They don't want to discuss it.  "“They’re of the belief that people will get over it or if we stop highlighting it, the base will move on and the public will learn to accept 50,000 to 100,000 new cases a day,” said a former administration official in touch with the campaign."  I don't know about you, but I do not think I'm ever going to think that many cases are OK, and I'm never going to go entertainment shopping again until there is a vaccine.

So there's the plague.  Now there is the heat.  From the WAPO we learn, "The heat is originating from a sprawling ridge of high pressure, called a “heat dome,” deflecting storm systems north as much of the nation bakes. The event looks impressive both in coverage and duration, lasting in some areas up to a month."  "In addition to bringing temperatures in the 110s to Phoenix, the heat will help ward off moisture needed to jump-start the already-delayed Southwest Monsoon. The seasonal influx of thunderstorm activity is relied upon each July to bring an end to Arizona’s wildfire season."  So, it looks like monsoon is not going to be good this year.  It's literally too hot to rain.

Since it's too hot to wander hither and yon in the desert, there has been much usage of twitter and youtube for entertainment.  Jim has worked his way through several years of the Volvo Ocean Races and has concluded that you really gotta want to do that.  Talk about deprivation.  You're always tired, wet and they feed you freeze dried food. 

I saw this the other day.  Who remembers Airwolf?  It was on TV 1984 to 1987.  It was a really terrible awful series, but it did have Jan-Michael Vincent starring in it, so that was a point in its favor.  What it did have was a great musical score.  There is a young woman who has mastered the art of playing all of the parts of the music, and then timing the videos of her playing all of those parts so that they're perfectly synched up.  I'm not sure what impresses me more; her cello playing or her adeptness with video.  Anyway,  it's only a minute.  Click here and go watch and listen.  She also has a youtube channel which includes her playing the Imperial March from Star Wars.

Other than this, I have nothing much to say.


  1. That little video of the woman playing the cello was amazing. Thanks for the link. Yup...it's hot for sure! I am missing the monsoons.

  2. That's a remarkable video. I showed it to Dave and he said he may use it in his AP Music Theory class because it visually shows the different components and layers of that piece. So thanks for that!

    That quote from the WaPo is a very concise, accurate summary of Trump's position on Covid. I wonder if the base will "move on," though, when their parents and relatives are the ones dying. Seems like the see-no-evil, hear-no-evil approach could backfire on Trump in a big way!

  3. I think that heat dome is hanging out over us also. And I'm tired of it now!

  4. That was some rather adept cello. This high pressure is changing my hearing. Begone, heat dome.

  5. I don't remember the show but her cello playing was lovely.

    While you guys are baking, we're drowning up here. Rain, rain and more rain. The neighbors have started building arks and growing their beards:)

  6. it is so hot here, not as hot as where you are but this is late August weather. gonna hit triple digits this weekend and the humidity is just about as high. it's oppressive outside. anything you gotta do outside needs to be done early in the day. and you forgot Texas. we vie with Florida for the number two or three slot of most new infections in a day. same thing here as Arizona. infections here hadn't even leveled off much less declined for two weeks before our Trump butt kissing asshole of a governor started opening things up.
