Sunday, November 15, 2015

Leaving the RV With a Splint

Greetings from the recovery RV.  Here is Jim, preparing to venture out and crutch through the gravel.

This is how one departs the bus with crutches.  It's too dang narrow to use them in this stairwell.  When I was in the boot two years ago, I always went in and out on the butt.  It's just safer.

I must confess that I have never dumped the black tank before.  All of the women who RV alone are probably giving me the lip fart of disdain right now, but there it is.  The black tank is solidly in the domain of blue work, and it was my goal to leave it there.  However, things change.  With Jim's coaching, the dumping and tank flushing went smoothly.  Over the next few months I will be fully cross trained in all RV operations.

Look carefully at the rider's shoulder, and just forward. It's unfortunate that I didn't get the photo when they were coming at us.  That's a poodle sitting on the motorcycle.  We can tell she's a girl because of all the pink ribbons on her head.  Cute, so cute. 

Jim's doing well.  The swelling has gone down dramatically, so the giant splint is less uncomfortable than it was.  That thing is heavy.  The temptation is to rest it on the ground, but the discharge nurse made it clear that to do that is forbidden.  So he doesn't.  That's all I have to report maties.


  1. Cross training is important but this is not the way to learn it. You may want to look at a knee cart. Glad the swelling is down.

    1. Monday! The knee cart is crucial to sparing the surviving foot. After my first foot surgery I ruined my left foot using crutches. For two and three we had wheeled devices and things were much better.

  2. But Jim already did the worst part, putting the sewer hose down. The rest is easy!
    I wondered how you get in and out of the coach with crutches. Now we know!

  3. Smart way to get in and out without risking injury to other body parts:)

  4. "the lip fart of disdain" had me laughing out loud! Yes, I agree with Jim and Gayle, it DOES NOT COUNT until you have to handle the "business end" of the hose!" Now "snap, snap" and get those rubber gloves ready! ;-)

    Thank goodness I have a fifth landing point, my butt. I see it has even more uses that I thankfully have not yet had the need to discover.

    Glad Jim is making ambulatory progress, and you have not yet lost your sense of humor.

  5. When we had our sailboat, hubby and I would empty our black tank together. This involved a portable machine that we wheeled from the marina office down to our dock, and a lot of pumping. You really needed two people so one could be on the dock pumping, and the other flushing additional clean water down the toilet. I am not sure how single-handed sailors managed it. Guess you are getting your RV skills training now. Glad Jim is doing alright, but that doesn't look fun.

    1. I love this description of dumping a sailboat. I had no idea.
