Saturday, March 1, 2014

Rain in the Old Pueblo

The run of perfect weather ended today.  The giant storm that has been pounding California arrived in Tucson about noon.  It was late, it was supposed to start raining in the wee hours.  We managed to get a walk in this morning carrying hand weights, but that was pretty much the extent of moving around for us.  It's been really windy and heavy rain has come in waves.

See the streaky clouds we had last night?  There were high winds aloft.  It was a pretty sunset, not really colorful, but pretty. 

It's been a low key day, waiting for this infernal weather system to pass on through.   Right now we're watching Cowboys and Aliens.  It's not a terrible movie.

Update to post.  This is what we saw later.  It's a double.


Later I found this on the internet on the Damion Alexander Team's facebook page.  Pretty cool!

1 comment:

  1. The storm sure brought some super skies:) I love the all the double rainbows that they have out west.
