Thursday, July 4, 2024

Hot, Really Hot and Media Bias

We have been head down moving stuff to the house. Yesterday, since we had the trailer, we helped our realtor take a queen mattress set over to a lady who is down on her luck, living out in the desert in an area called Critterville.  Poverty like that is just depressing, her kids will never escape it.  The AZ Superintendent of Education is currently focused on bankrupting public schools with bogus voucher schemes.  Wealthy people benefit from that, ski trips, Lego museums, why not?  They will spend tax payer dollars and keep the poor ignorant.  Blame it on the Democrats!  It was astonishingly hot out there.  For some reason, mattress manufacturers no longer put handles on the mattresses.  It's like carrying a dead body.

We're had some sunsets.

The annual trimming of the palm trees is underway in the RV park.  We first heard them at 6:45 am.  They have noisy equipment.

Look at the debris on the ground, left side of the photo.  They pick that up and feed it through a chipper shredder.  Very noisy.  It has to be murder working in these temperatures.  They are all wearing hats, long sleeves and carrying very large containers of water on the gators they're driving.

It's hotter than hot here.  We were contemplating a new route between here and Spokane that would avoid Phoenix and Kingman; two of our least favorite places to drive through.  We're leaving for Spokane on Sunday.  It is predicted to be 121F (49.44C) in Needles that day.  That's pretty hot.  We would have to unload a bunch of heat intolerant stuff out of the car, instead of just taking in the bare essentials.  The other thing that's filling me with dread is the thought of driving across Nevada, where it is also hot, where there is no cell service.  It's one thing to wait for help in temperate climes, and another when it's hotter than hot.  So, we may end up going through Salt Lake City, another unpopular place, but there is cell service.

We need to get this worked.  One of the things that has happened to us is an unawareness of holidays.  Today is July 4, people celebrate this holiday.  They travel.  I'm hoping that hotels on our route will still have available rooms, and that we haven't left this too late.  I really and truly need to go back to Spokane, where it will be 105F the day of our arrival.  Good thing there is no climate change.

There has long been a suspicion that the 45th President is a pedophile.  The recent release of the grand jury proceedings in Jeffrey Epstein's prosecution prove that he is.  Additionally these transcripts show how the prosecution tried to portray the children, and yes they were children, as the guilty parties in the whole sordid mess.  It was a long time ago, but the fact remains, the republican candidate for president is a pedophile.  One wonders, why does this not receive more attention in the main stream media?  Is this person morally fit to lead the nation and the world?  I think not. I found one recent article in WAPO discussing the documents release, but there's nothing on page one of the papers in 14 point type.

This screen scrape contains hideous images and objectionable language, so read it knowing that.

This would ruin any other candidate, but the press is helping to bury the story by ignoring it.  Remember Gary Hart?  In 1988 a picture of him on a boat with Donna Rice sitting on his lap on a boat named Monkey Business, completely and totally derailed his political career.  Today - raping little girls, no big deal.

I keep thinking that if the content of Project 2025 was made accessible to the MAGATS, that they might turn away from the orange menace.  Surely, the thought of losing Medicare and Social Security might redirect their thinking about things.  If mass deportations of the people who pick your food, staff your nursing homes, clean your homes, tend the wine fields doesn't give you pause, perhaps finishing out your Golden Years in ill health and poverty might give you pause to vote for the old guy.  Biden is not stepping down, I truly hope he can pull this off.  Maybe the hamberders will have their way with the orange one.

Welp, time to do route planning and calling of hotels for reservations.  Have whatever sort of July 4 you engage in.  

I just saw this.  This is how the subject should be handled.


Monday, July 1, 2024

SCOTUS Destroys the US

I have to say, I'm pretty close to the edge of the slough of despond.   The decision by SCOTUS today has upended what our country has been for 200 plus years.  Now the courts decide what was an official act vs. what wasn't.  Prosecuting the orange menace will turn into a round robin of appeals.  He's already appealing convictions for things he did when he wasn't president.  Not wasting any time here.  It's becoming evident that Clarence Thomas has been pulling the strings behind Aileen Cannon.  It looks like stealing official secrets and showing them to foreign powers after you leave office, is an official duty.  I can't stand it.

Ruth Marcus did a good opinion piece on the decision.  This is a gift article, so you should not hit a paywall.

This is from Sotomeyer's dissent.  

"When [the president] uses his official powers in any way, under the majority's reasoning, he now will be insulated from criminal prosecution. Orders the Navy's Seal Team 6 to assassinate a political rival? Immune. Organizes a military coup to hold onto power? Immune. Takes a bribe in exchange for a pardon? Immune. Immune, immune, immune. Let the President violate the law, let him exploit the trappings of his office for personal gain, let him use his official power for evil ends. Because if he knew that he may one day face liability for breaking the law, he might not be as bold and fearless as we would like him to be. That is the majority's message today. Even if these nightmare scenarios never play out, and I pray they never do, the damage has been done. The relationship between the President and the people he serves has shifted irrevocably. In every use of official power, the President is now a king above the law."

So, that was today.


 The trichocereus bloomed.  We were fortunate enough to be there to see it.  

The white ones are still my favorite, but this is also lovely.