Tuesday, June 11, 2019

More Williams and Some Flagstaff

We slept in a little, we're still tired from the wagon loading and the incredible heat we endured in Camp Verde.  We drove in to Williams to walk up some hills, forgetting that the elevation here is 6,765 feet.  We were both panting a little going up.  It was a good walk.

Is this not a darling house?  It's on one of the side streets in Williams.

This truck is from Germany.  Note the lack of a roof vent or air conditioning.   Europeans are tough.

Many words for diesel.

I don't think this is a controlled burn.  The smoke plume was back today. Update to post:  It is a controlled burn.  Hans sent me an article about what's being done to minimize future fires.

We drove in to Flagstaff to see what we would see.  They have a very pleasant historic downtown, which is close to Northern Arizona University.  Look at the height of that sign.  There were several like that.

The poppies were happy in Flagstaff.  They also do well in Bend.  I love these.

Here we have the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Chapel.  It's currently not routinely used due to structural issues.  It's a pretty cool looking building.  The rock used is volcanic.

Oddly enough, there is not a Costco or Trader Joe's in Flagstaff. 


  1. That is one of the reasons we chose Prescott. Trader Joe's, Costco and 2 really nice Sprouts! I am pretty sure that the smoke is from a prescribed burn. https://www.williamsnews.com/news/2019/jun/11/prescribed-burns-continue-southeast-williams/ Safe Travels and stay cool! :-)

  2. I haven't spent any time in Flagstaff. Back when I was there, they weren't very RV friendly. On the other hand, I loved Williams!!! My what a gorgeous church!!

  3. I don't believe I've ever been to Flagstaff or Williams either.

  4. That is a sweet little house. I wonder if it's a Craftsman. The Oriental poppies are lovely. They transplant poorly, if at all.
